Who is Tobias?

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"Please open your Bibles and turn to Ephesians 2."

Ruth flipped through the pages of her Bible, a soft smile appearing on her face when she arrived at one of her favorite books in the New Testament. She loved reading the book of Ephesians because it revealed God's astounding love and grace.

Pastor Levi looked up from his podium to see if everyone in the congregation had gotten to the correct page. "Would any of you like to read verses four to seven for us?"

Ruth scanned the room to see if anyone had raised their hands to volunteer, but no one had.

She slowly raised her hand up. "I-I can read those verses Pastor Levi."

"Excellent Ruth! Thank you for volunteering."

Ruth gave him a nervous smile and looked back down at her Bible.

"But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions--it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Jesus Christ."

Ruth finished reciting the verses, and looked back up at Pastor Levi who was smiling back at her.

"Thank you Ruth." Pastor Levi came out from behind his podium and began to pace around the stage. "When Jesus died on the cross, he did so to save us from ourselves. God intended for his creation to live in harmony with him, but when Adam and Eve took it upon themselves to defy his instructions, they chose to part from him."

Pastor Levi paused for a moment. "Can any of you think back to a time where you went against the Lord's plan for your life?"

Ruth thought about the question and came to the conclusion that there were plenty of times where she had attempted to take life matters into her own hands.

Ruth raised her hand. "I can, Pastor Levi," she said in a quiet voice.

Pastor Levi gave her a reassuring smile, "please share your example with us Ruth, if you are comfortable doing so."

Ruth looked around the room at the friends she had come to love at the church. She wanted to share a piece of herself with them, but being vulnerable was not easy for her.

Ruth cleared her throat. "W-well, before I had a relationship with the Lord, I used to try to fix all of my own problems. For example, I used to deal with panic attacks. B-but now that I know God and have the opportunity to pray to him, I don't have to suffer alone with my anxiety any longer."

Ruth looked down at her Bible, a light shade of pink grew on her cheeks. She was not used to speaking up during church.

"Thank you for sharing that with us Ruth, I know it probably wasn't easy," Pastor Levi said.

A chorus of agreement came from her peers, whom looked at her with patience and understanding.

"The example that Ruth gave us is one that I think many of us can relate to. As we have read through the Bible, we have seen numerous biblical figures ignore the Lord's will for their lives. However, despite that, his love and mercy for us never falters."

"Amen!" exclaimed a few people.

"As we go into this upcoming week, I want all of you to think about how you can grow more dependent on the Lord. We will discuss what everyone comes up with next Sunday. Now please rise to sing our final hymn for this service."

Ruth rose up from her seat and sang the final hymn with her peers. She felt a sense of joy throughout her body. Whenever she worshipped the Lord, he brought her peace. It was a feeling Ruth wanted every person to experience.

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