"Miss Y/N... your turn" Sharp gestures for her to take a step forward.

She pauses for a moment.

"Hmm I can smell....Old books...pine...and bertie bots every flavoured beans?" She asks confused but when she turns around I can see she's blushing.

What the hell is this potion.

A few more students try and pinpoint the smell, each person smelling something different. Ella says she can't smell anything, she seems rather annoyed she can't. I've tried smelling it from where I'm stood but all I can smell is Y/N infront of me.

"This potion is called Amortentia...also known as the most powerful love potion in the wizarding world. The steam that comes off the potion will smell differently to each person based on what you're attracted too the most" Sharp announces. There is whispering and giggles throughout the classroom.

Y/N looks at me blushing. I raise an eyebrow confused before I realise..
'I'm not wearing my perfume' she said. But it's all I can smell... shit.

He sends us back to our seats, we're not allowed to make the potion incase someone decides to drink it apparently instead we're writing about its effects.

"So...does this mean you're attracted to hippogriffs?" I ask Ominis laughing, he's blushing.

"Don't be ridiculous Sebastian" he snaps back.

"I can't think of who could possibly smell like Hippogriffs..." I think about it for a second.. Holy shit.

"Merlins beard, you like Poppy Sweeting?!" I ask Ominis astonished.

"Will you keep your voice down!" He panics in response.

Oh this is priceless.

"Gaunt and Sweeting... what a match" I chuckle and he kicks me under the table. Ouch.

"Keep your mouth closed Sallow" he hisses "besides aren't you the one who said he can't smell anything except Y/Ns perfume?" He hums.

I open my mouth to shut him up but no words come out. Fuck. I really hope she doesn't put it together, I look around to her and she's already looking but looks down the second we make eye contact.

Shit shit shit.

"Ya know... Old books, pine and berties beans... don't you think that scent is familiar?" Ominis asks with a sarcastic tone.

"What? What are you getting at?" I ask annoyed.

"Sebastian... don't make me spell it out for you" he sighs.

"Okay well speak it don't spell it then" I smirk back at him.

"Y/N said she smelt those things in the potion... Sebastian you're the only person I know who smells like old books and pine. And most of the time you smell like berties beans seeing as you're always snacking on them... think about it" he shakes his head going back to his work.

Wait.. he's right.

I look back at Y/N but she's deep into her work.

None of this is adding up, she's with Weasley. Why would she smell...me.


Class is over, thank god.

I try to hurry out, I need to get out of here.

"Sebastian wait" Ella calls out to me.

I sigh, stopping and turning to face her.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask her.

"I'm just curious what you could smell" she asks me.

I wasn't really thinking before I answered.

"Uh coconuts, pine and perfume why?" I grumble, I really need to get to the undercroft I don't want to be here.

"Oh, I smell like coconuts?" She asks smelling her robes confused.


"Uh I mean I guess yeah" I shrug.

"You don't but I know someone who does" Garrerh smirks at me walking past.

God I could punch him right now.

"Oh fuck off Weasley, you're not part of this conversation" I snap at him.

He laughs and takes a few steps back to come stand infront of me.

"Wow Sallow.. did I hit a nerve?" He smiles at me.

"Don't be ridiculous, stop getting involved with people and conversations that don't need you" I realise what I said doesn't make sense but I won't stand down.

"Why can't you just admit it?" Garreth raises an eyebrow at me.

"Admit what? Weasley are you feeling alright? You sound delusional" I snap.

"Garreth, what are you doing?" Y/N appears next to him pulling him away, he shakes his head and they walk off together.

"What was that about?" Ella asks.

I haven't taken my eyes off Y/N walking off in Weasleys arms. I have a weird pit burning in my stomach. I didn't even hear Ella continue talking.

"Sebastian.. are you listening?" She snaps her fingers infront of me to get my attention. Rude.

"No I'm not. You don't smell like coconuts" I go to turn to walk away but stop "oh.. we're done, by the way. Sorry" and before she can say another word I storm off towards the undercroft.

Sallows Salvationजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें