Chapter Seven: Schlattbur AND Glattbur

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Jschlatt POV

Where in the motherfu- I looked around. No. WHY WAS I BACK HERE? Everything looked the same besides the bed centered in the middle of the room. This time however, I would be sharing my limbo with Wilbur.

"My head hurts," I heard Wil grumble. "What. What is this place? This isn't the train station." He slowly stood up and traced the wall with his fingers, "Am I dreaming?"

"I don't think so," I muttered, "I think we're dead."

"Ghostbur," Wilbur said, "And Glatt. Oh no no no no... no no no..." Panic flashed into his eyes, this was not good. For once my own mind was racing, and I began to cackle hysterically. I'd only been there a few weeks, and I was here already?

"You never told me what your limbo was before," Wilbur said softly.

I sighed, "Well it was this place." Shrugging I continued, "There truthfully isn't much to it. Occasionally Mexican Dream and Ghostbur would visit me. Ranboo came once or twice." I stared at Wilbur, "You never visited me."

"It's not like I wanted to see you," He suddenly snapped, "We weren't exactly on the best terms before. Ghostbur and Glatt must have somehow ended up here together. Ghostbur was probably transferred here from the train station because Friend is a different type of entity- or something."


"Whatever," I muttered, "I guess my second chance is already over." Looking around I spotted the bed, "So they updated it for them and not me? I swear when I get my hands on that XD I'm gonna strangle him."

"I suppose my old limbo is empty now," Wil replied, "I don't know why that bothers me so much. I should be happy nobody has to suffer in it. I guess it was just special to me."

"Better get used to it," I coldly said. I was a little more than just annoyed; my control had been taken from me. I didn't even get a say in all this!

Glatt POV

The warm sunshine touched my skin. No cave? No limbo? Ghostbur sat beside me comfortably, snuggled up next to friend. It was unusual to see him deep in thought. Mostly my friend would be carefree, but something was bothering him. "Oh," He finally noticed me, "You're awake. Did you have a nice nap?"

A tear fell from my cheek, "It feels so good to be alive. Are, are we still ghosts?" I focused my mind, disappointed to see my hand drift through the grass underneath me. "Well I suppose I was asking for too much there." I noticed Ghosty looked sad, and I gently put my hand on his face, turning it towards me, "You alright?"

"I don't want to be alive."

"That's ridiculous-" I started, but I knew he was being genuine. Something about that limbo made him content. The uncertainty of whether he would get to stay here was daunting, terrifying even. Back there one way or another he'd be alright, especially with me and Friend. Trying to cheer up his gloomy spirits, I said, "Friend can finally nibble some fresh grass."

"My time with him is almost over."

"What do you mean?" I asked quizzically.

"XD told me that someday all entities like Friend despawn. Who knows how much longer he'll last?" His breath became shaky, "Then they won't get a limbo. They'll fade away and die. Friend was safe back in limbo, but there's a chance he can despawn here. His nametag is gone."

"I'll find him a new one," I reassured Ghostbur, "I promise."


611 Words :(- After finding out the Dsmp is practically officially over I lost all my motivation. Its like I try to write, but then I get all sentimental. I don't know what I'll write about after the Dream Smp, I may just end up stopping. It feels like all my plans to make my fanfics on the new lore just flew out the window.

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