Chapter One: Glatt x Ghostbur

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Glatt Pov

"Where the fuck am I?" I muttered half-under my breath. The room was surprisingly bright, yet enclosed. The walls were painted a bright white, and there weren't any windows. I felt oddly drained of all energy, as if I'd traveled through a Nether or End Portal times two.

"H-hello? Friend?" A gentle voice called from a few feet away. A blue sheep bounded towards him. I recognized the creature to be Ghostbur's friend, Friend. He had died during the nuclear explosion Tubbo set off. Wait a minute, had I died from that too? My memories were a bit scrambled, but it soon became clear. Schlatt was revived. My counterpart had finally made it! I smiled, even if my fate was stuck here at least he made it. That was my sole purpose in life.

"I'm Glatt," I coughed. "Your... Ghostbur right?" That was strange. Everyone else said that Limbo's couldn't be shared- actually Tommy did, right? To be honest, it was a little comforting knowing that the rest of eternity wouldn't be quite so lonely.

"That's me," He had a nervous voice, "Are you friend or foe, Glatt?" I paused for a moment, what was my true purpose? Had I fulfilled my goals? Jschlatt was revived, and here I was. It was moments like these that I doubted my creation. I only appeared when he died, so therefore I knew that I was truthfully a part of him. But what part? Greed? Desire to be... alive? Powerful? I sighed.

"Guess we're stuck here together, huh?" I joked. "How long have you been here? I know we coexisted for a little bit. Shame I never got the chance to meet you," The blinding light was already starting to annoy me.

"Oh.. me?" (I am using 2/27/2023 as my reference, aka today... wait omg that's 669 irl days from 4/29/2021, BRUH. Lol. If every day is one month, the total number of years would be...) Ghostbur glanced upwards to recall, then replied, "Exactly fifty-five years and nine months. Three more and it'll be fifty six."

My mouth hung open, aghast for a second. I replied, "But you've- that can't be right. Just two years ago you were alive- or undead. But you were there!"

"Time passes differently here," Ghostbur explained. "Every day there is a month here. We don't age physically, but mentally yes. It wears you down, b-breaks you," His voice echoed similarly to my own.

The reality of the situation began to sink in. Why had I seriously told Quackity to revive me? Then again, this place wasn't much worse then the cold, damp, cave I resided in. There was also Ghostbur here. I swallowed and changed the subject, "I like your sweater. Yellow, is it?"

"Yes," He replied, "I had many sheep back on the Dream Smp. I used their wool to knit this. Friend is a special sheep, y'know?" The fellow ghost explained, "DreamXD gave him to me. Friend has the power to calm anybody with just a little blue! It's quite fascinating, here take a piece!"

The ghost sheared a tiny piece of fluff off the animal. Forming it into a little round ball purely for aesthetics, he handed me the object. Delicately and cautiously I took the magical wool. Instantly a warm, fuzzy feeling ran up my arm and touched my heart.

"That was... wonderful."

"Indeed," Ghostbur smiled. "Whenever I feel cold, I can just pet Friend or shear a little piece. Everything becomes better after that." The ghost closed his eyes, "I wish I could feel the warm sun again. The dandelions in the grass... and my friends." A tear slid down his cheek and he winced from the pain. Like I couldn't leave the cave, his curse was the inability to touch water. He continued, "How I miss Tommy and Tubbo and Ranboo. The bestest friends in the whole entire world! Oh and Technoblade, and- everyone." A pained expression crossed his face, "Even Dream I miss. At least now I've got you Glatt! Oh we're going to make so many memories here together!"

"Doing what?" My heart started beating faster, "Talking? About the past? What happens when we run out of stories, out of details and adventures. What happens once we get sick of telling them over and over again?"

"Then we will create new stories!" His eyes lit up, "About all the fantastical things we'll do once we finally get out of here. Stories of the future, words of rainbows and clouds and sunsets. Oh Glatt... picture it! You can almost see it-" He looked into the confined walls of the bright white room, "We'll be back, and I'll get my own little sheep farm back. You can finally be free from that cave, I'll find a way! Can you see it?"

"I can picture it Ghostbur," I chuckled, "I can picture it all real well."


800 Words! Okay not bad for a first chapter. Thanks for reading all the way to this first part, I really appreciate it! Please remember to grab a snack for the road, and leave a comment/suggestion! <3 Aurora (Writer).

{Miracle} -- ||Glattbur, Schlattbur||Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu