Chapter Two: Jschlatt x Wilbur

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Jschlatt Pov

"What the fuck happened?" I glanced around. Were those stars? Perhaps my mind was playing tricks on me again. A large moon hung just above- was I free? A tear fell down my cheek. Looking around, I noticed I was in a crater. What had happened here? Wilbur? He'd certainly done a number here. I climbed my way out of the hole and fell onto lush grass. The dew felt so nice, it was unbelievable to be out of my Limbo. Memories of dark nights of wandering around an empty casino, Quackity appearing to terrorize me around every corner dissolved in an instant.

The outline of a figure could be made out in the distance. Dream? Alas, it was my old friend. There were certainly quite a few things to be caught up on, now weren't there?

"Hello?" My voice was softer than I expected. It felt like I had a world of possibilities ahead of me. So many paths to choose, so many amends to make. Or perhaps chaos would once again give me the direction? Only time could tell.

"Schlatt!" The speedrunner approached me, "I- I can't believe it worked! I thought for sure the words of the Revived Book had me all scrambled.

"Book?" Confusion laced my voice, "So it was you who revived me? For what purpose?"

"I'm winning the war once and for all," He smiled. Was his mask off? There was so much to catch up on. Over the next few days Dream took me under his wing, explaining about the book, his escape from prison, and the final explosion marking the end of something he called, "Season One." This would be a new era. In a few weeks time everyone regained their memories, and the gods set the land new again. Only the people from Limbo wouldn't get to experience this.

"What convinced you to revive me?" I asked my new savior.

"Your counterpart," He chuckled. "His name was Glatt. I already told you about Ghostbur, the two likely reside together now, since they are similar entities." He explained, "Normally I wouldn't revive just anyone, since ol' DreamXD doesn't like that." He laughed, "But after being tortured by Quackity, I had to find out who he would make such a deal with. I found him in a cave, then revived him. I could always need another guy like me around."

"Well thanks," I felt oddly flattered. I cleared my throat and said, "Do you mind if I tour the smp a little? I've never seen it in a beginning state like this, and need some time to clear my head. Might were I find you again?"

"Just meet me at spawn in two days time. I'll explain some more to you, as I've been cramming things into that goat head of yours for a few days now."

"Thanks for everything." I was genuinely grateful. The two of us parted ways and I traversed the Dream Smp on my own time. I noticed a small dirt hut in the center of a prairie and decided to investigate. A part of me dreaded who could be there. Quackity? Somebody who wanted to kill me?

My gut turned out to be right. I knocked once, then twice. Finally a familiar man with curly-brown hair answered the door. Wilbur? Wilbur Soot? I'd had so many enemies I'd completely forgotten that he was probably the worst one.

"SCHLATT?" Suddenly he grinned, "You actually have no idea how good it is to see a face like yours. Please, come inside!"

"I- I thought we ended on bad terms?" I asked.

"That might be so, but I'm a changed man Schlatt!" He declared, "I'm turning everything around! I left for Utah, my home place for a few months. When I heard of the bombing, I rushed back! Here I am again, making everything right again. Since you're revived like me, how about we get started with basics?" He seemed genuinely excited, "What was your limbo like?"

"Where do I begin...?" I paused, "Well let me just tell you a little bit about the casino-"

A little while later we were finally to the present day.

"Some things never change," He sighed, "I'm alright with you Schlatt, but Dream? Really? You are aware that he just plans to use you, right? I mean yeah he's your savior, just as he's mine, but you need to stick up for yourself! He's a dangerous man. You could get killed!

"What can I say?" I joked, "He protected me once. He'll do it again."

"When were you guys truly pals? It was just to get Manburg' in his control. Of course it's your decision, but I'm here for you right now. If you need to know anything I've got everything from between the lines to the books. Sure I was dead for a while, but I got caught up with the others."

"It's good to hear that Wil, I'll definitely consider it." After my time in limbo I wasn't feeling as... evil. With everything at my fingertips and a fresh start things were already going great. A reset! Couldn't get better timing for my revival. Dream was still most powerful, Wilbur had the connections, but who else did I need on my team? I had to get everyone to take over the server with me. Like Wilbur said, some things never change; and that includes my drive to control everything. It was a desire as fierce as Dreams.' I thought about my team... Jschlatt, Dream, Wilbur. Coldness, power, control. What was missing? Ah yes. The money. Now, he controlled the money? Oh yeah. Quackity. Well that was all about to change. I was back and ready to rule the world. This time, for good.


962 Words! Thanks again for reading to this point! Take a sip of water and get ready, because I should have a new chapter in the next couple of days! I don't post on Tuesdays... so maybe Wednasday? Oh wait that's when I post my other book- Ok Thursday or Friday LMAO. <3 Aurora

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