Chapter 2: Izuku's life and new family additions

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Doctor: "I'm sorry kid, but when going through your x-rays, we found out that you were born with an extra toe joint. While it hurts for me to say this, you have sadly been diagnosed quirkless."

Izuku Midoriya was well aware of the societal stigma associated with being quirkless. In a world where quirks were considered the norm and the key to becoming a hero, he had faced ridicule and discrimination for most of his life. Yet, his burning desire to make a difference and become a hero remained unwavering.

Past Izuku: "Doctor, is it possible to be a...... a hero? Even without a quirk?"

The doctor looked at the young boy with a compassionate and empathetic expression. He was aware of the challenges Izuku faced as a quirkless individual in a world dominated by quirks.

Doctor: "Well... In Society's eyes, no."

Izuku looks down with tears starting to form in the corners of his eyes.

Doctor: "But I believe that's not true."

Izuku and Inko look at the doctor with confused faces.

Doctor: "Society want you to believe a quirkless person can't be a hero. But that's just wrong. In the past, during the pre-quirk are, quirkless people could put up a fight against bad people, and come out victorious. They fought in wars, and still, they came out victorious. But Society wants that part of history to fade away, only seeming that people with quirks can become heroes. So, in my opinion, yes... you can be a hero, even if you're quirkless."

As the spark of determination ignited within Izuku, he felt a newfound sense of purpose welling up inside him. It was a profound realization that his worth as a person extended far beyond the presence or absence of a quirk. He knew that he could make a difference, even in a world dominated by quirks.

With this newfound resolve, Izuku made a silent promise to himself – he would strive to be a hero, a protector of the innocent, and someone who inspired others with his actions and unwavering determination. His journey to embrace his destiny had just begun, and nothing would stand in his way.

Prime Finder POV:


Worthy Prime holder located...

Location: Earth...

Time to get to Earth.... 14 years....

Activating Mach speed....

 (Mach speed to Cybertronians is different from our version of Mach. Mach to them is the speed of light, while Mach to us is the speed of sound)

*Time skip: 1 day*

Past Izuku: "Why would Kacchan do this?"

Izuku lay on the ground, his small frame battered and bruised, his body aching from the relentless assault. Tears welled up in his emerald eyes, but he fought to keep them at bay. He had revealed his deepest dreams, his unwavering determination to become a hero, even without a quirk. But instead of understanding or support, he had been met with cruelty and unfairness.

Katsuki Bakugo, his once-close childhood friend, had turned into a tormentor, mercilessly attacking him for his audacious dreams. The words Bakugo used to taunt him, the title "Deku," had become a daily reminder of his quirklessness, his apparent worthlessness in a society where quirks were celebrated.

As the pain coursed through his young body, Izuku wondered why the world seemed so unfair, why people like him were treated as if they were a burden. He struggled to get on his feet, but no matter how hard he tried, he was too tired to move.

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