Chapter 4: Unearthing Ancient Allies (Part 2)

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*Author note: I may regularly change some things in each chapter to help make the story flow better, or fix changes I realized too late when I published it. So don't be confused when some parts of the story are either changed, added, deleted, or reworked.*.

*Author's note: The chapter has been updated. Don't fret if things feel different from before, it's still the same, just the writing style changed* - 11/07/2023



The mysterious figure pondered the situation further. The notion that Izuku could be the next Prime was perplexing. He knew that the Autobots had chosen great leaders as Primes in the past, individuals with the strength, wisdom, and courage to lead their kind in the battle against the Decepticons. But how could a seemingly ordinary human like Izuku fulfill such a role? The figure intended on leaving Izuku where he was , as they though the tracker had become a faulty piece of junk, until he noticed something in the corner of his optics: a small, green box giving off a dim, sky blue light.

The mysterious figure approached the glowing green box, curiosity filling his mechanical mind. He reached down, his large, metallic fingers gently picking up the box. The box felt warm to the touch, as if it held something of significance. With a sense of caution, the figure opened the box to reveal its contents.

The mysterious figure stared at the Autobot necklace, a piece of ancient and powerful technology, with astonishment. It was a rare artifact that marked its wearer as a Autobot, no matter what species wore it. The necklace had chosen Izuku as its next bearer, and the figure was left with no doubt about the significance of the situation.

???: "This necklace...... This was Miko's... wasn't it? If he has this, and it's glowing like this, he's definitely a worthy person to be an Autobot. Every time Miko wore the necklace, it would shine the same light blue it's shining now, and it deemed her worthy of being an Autobot, even if she was human. So if it doing the same thing now... I'm going to have to take him back to the base, and report this to Ultra Magnus."

With Izuku safely in his arms, the mysterious figure transformed into his car form and sped away from the desolate location where he had discovered the young human. As he drove towards their destination, the figure couldn't shake the feeling that someone had been watching him from the shadows. However, he dismissed it as a trick of his optics, focusing instead on the newfound responsibility that had been thrust upon him.

???: "I wonder if Bulkhead will be surprised that this boy has Miko's necklace."

As the mysterious figure drove back to the base with Izuku, the young boy began to stir in his sleep, a sign that he would soon wake up. The figure couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility and determination to protect him, whatever it might entail.

Unbeknownst to the figure, three sets of eyes remained hidden in the shadows, silently following their path back to the base. Whoever these observers were, they seemed to be monitoring the situation closely, and their motives remained a mystery.

The journey ahead was filled with uncertainty and the promise of great adventures, as the destinies of the mysterious figure, Izuku, and those who observed from the shadows continued to unfold.

Izuku's POV:

As I lay on the ground, unable to open my eyes due to the pain I've experienced, I was thinking about my family. I started to fear that I would never see them again. All the memories, all of the happy times, and Nejire... I never got a chance to tell her that I loved her. I wondered what was going to happen to me, until I was interrupted by 2 unknown voices. 

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