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CHAPTER ONE"a kind king"

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"a kind king"

𝑰𝑻 𝑻𝑶𝑶𝑲 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑫𝑨𝑹𝑲 𝑷𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑪𝑬 nearly three weeks to restore the kingdom from the damages the first curse had caused.

Even then, there was much that needed to be done. Phillip and Aurora were of great help in aiding Kit. The two royals supplied him with the goods he needed to get himself started up.

However, there was only one major problem. He couldn't get into his own castle. It was surrounded by a protection spell he couldn't bring down on his own.

Unlike his mother and grandmother, Kit wasn't born with the ability to produce his own magic. He was born as a "siphoner", a magic user required to siphon magic from other beings in order to use it themselves.

Kit swore off from performing such an act since not many fond memories came with siphoning.

Kit took refuge in the summer castle and made it his own makeshift castle until the opportunity of taking back his mother's came upon him. The walls inside were bustling with life. But not with children, most certainly not with children, but with the life of servants Kit allowed to reside in the castle for work.

It was the least he could do for the people due to the circumstances they were living under.

Even with the castle nearly full, Kit hoped that one day his entire family would be reunited. He left for the Enchanted Forest through a magical portal via; a bean after the Mills's Charmings, and the Stiltskins rescued Henry from Neverland.

His idea for leaving Storybrooke wasn't random. Kit had a desire to leave the town ever since the Dark Curse was lifted. Now he claimed the throne as King of the Enchanted Forest.

Kit would write letters underneath the glow of a dimly lit candle at night in hopes of one day sending them across the realms so his older sister or mother would receive them. And that's what the Dark Prince was doing now.

He wore his royal clothing which had patches of mud and gunk all over it. So he wouldn't die of boredom, Kit would assist his servants with some of their work. He liked working in farms the most.

A soft knock came from his bedroom door. "Come in," He says, and the door opens to reveal a woman carrying in his clothes for the night.

"Set it on my bed," Kit commanded. He would've fetched his own clothing, but he was busy during the day and couldn't find time to do so.

The servant woman placed his clothes on his bed and left the room. After writing a few more words in his letter, Kit drew himself a bath and stripped himself of his dirty, old clothing.

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