The Bad Guys Vacation

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The kids look at each other and let go as they fall down really high.

"OH NOOOO!!!!" Cade and Sandy scream as they go to catch them only to see Viper using his Psychokinesis to carry all of them as they began to use their powers.

"You guys have powers?!" Sandy exclaimed.

"Drago nor the others said they had powers?!" Cade said.

The kids go crazy as they used their powers to mess around when Cade managed to grab Luna from escaping.

"HEY! Let go!!!" Luna said as she blasted Cade, freezing him in a block of ice.

"T-T-Th-i-i-s is n-not g-g-good." Cade said as Hyena then blasted him with an energy ball. Cade was burnet and growls angrily.

"You kids are in so much trouble!!! No more fun for you or sweets!" Cade roared.

Soon the kids started to cry. But as Mason, Moe, and Willow began to cry, their Sonic Howl activated as it started to destroy the house.

"Wolves! Stop! You're gonna destroy the house!" Sandy shouts to them as Moe Sonic Howled them away into a wall.

The kids stopped crying as they laughed at seeing the dragons in pain and suffering.
Shark and Piranha were now surfing on big waves as Webs was building a sandcastle. Wolf was at their bar, enjoying a smoothie as Snake was eating ice cream while reading a book. Drago was now coming to the beach as he prepared to suntan. He couldn't help but worry about his parents. He hears footsteps and expected to see one of servant bots to give him his snack. Instead, he was greeted with the sight of a nude Hyena.

"Oop— shit—!" Drago screams looking quickly away.

"...Hm! What is it?" Hyena seemed to grunt, his tail swishing as he walked over to the water.

"What do you mean, 'what is it'? Don't you think you get some clothes on, when you're out in the open! Jeez...!" Drago explained.

"Oh come on, Drago. We're on a private island and there's no one but us here. You can relax how you want to and I'll relax how I want to." Hyena said as dives into the water.

"Ugh... pervert." Drago said as he shook his head as he goes back to suntanning.

"Aside from Hyena, you need to relax. I know you're worried about your parents, but I'm sure they're doing okay." Wolf said as he drinks his tropical smoothie.

"I guess you're right. Maybe I am overreacting. They're probably okay." Drago chuckled.
Meanwhile back at the house, the kids were still causing havoc as both dragons were panicking on what to do.

"Honey..." Sandy said worried to her husband.

"I know, looks like I need to call for some backup." Cade said as he goes on his iPhone.

Back at Fresno, in Cade's Deli store, two of Cade's old friends/crewmen of his gang were working in his absence. They were Craig Centipede and Mac Mako Shark. Suddenly, Mac's phone rang as Mac goes to see it was Cade and answered it.

"Hey Cade! What's up, bro?" Mac said as he finished cutting some ham.


"Whoa! What's going on?" Craig said as he stops working and goes to Mac to see the situation.

"Wait what? Slow down. Babysitting? Kids? Meta-powers? Hang on, we'll be there as soon as possible." Mac said as he hangs up.

The Bad Guys Justice League: LegacyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora