I was up for ten whole minutes in silence, thinking over what to do. She was fast asleep, not waking up anytime this soon. But if I moved her off of me, I might wake her up. God, why is this bothering me so much? I could just move her off of me.

But no, I'm not that type of person anymore. Not with Elodie.

I continue to lay in bed, the silence in the room welcoming more thoughts from my head. All I can hear is my own light breathing, and Elodie's as she sprawls against my chest.

I can't remember the exact time she fell asleep, but it was early. Meaning she's already been asleep for a long time, but I don't blame her.

And I don't want to wake her from her sleep because I want to make sure she's fully rested before I throw the contents of tonight right at her. I'm only waking up this early because everything has to run smoothly with perfection, and not a single thing can go wrong today. That's why I'm up early than the others to go over every little detail of our plan.

We've calculated that the best time for us to leave for Luciano's club would be around 5 pm. He's usually there from 8 pm onwards, and being there slightly early will give us a little time to prepare before his arrival. Plus, we can't assume he'll be there after 8 o'clock, and we can't risk him getting there before us. We need to set up a few quick cameras here and there, get to know the building first-hand, and get to sneak around a little and bother for a little information here and there.

My whole team coming along to the attack tonight has every detail they need. I've ensured that they've all read over it a million fucking times because nothing can go wrong. I've also made sure Elodie read it, just as an extra, and she told me she read it as soon as everything got sent out and that she's familiar with the plan.

My girl.

Everyone has their own separate roles and they'll all be located in different areas of the club, which is why I also sent out a 3d map of the entire club to them all so they'd be a little more familiar when they got there. I can't have anybody getting lost or even looking lost for that matter - anyone could take advantage of that.

I've checked the roles, and the outfits everyone is wearing. I've made it absolutely clear to everyone that they'll be wearing earpieces throughout the whole process and that they don't move from their spots and roles until the code word is spoken.

I don't doubt a single body on my team. This'll go well.

And if it doesn't? If it doesn't, I'll come back to haunt the fucker in his fucking nightmares.

I mentioned my plan for Elodie's outfit to her just the other day.

I can't forget that Luciano knows I have her. Or as far as he knows, I still have her. He hasn't seen her since the bidding. But; he still saw her. If I just waltzed Elodie into that club and she happened to meet eyes with him - or if he even managed a glance at her - he'd know who she was and I guarantee he'd had a good idea of how and why she's here.

I've arranged for her to get her hair styled and her makeup done ridiculously well to hide anything that Luciano could notice. As for her eyes, I've got her identity covered with a pair of different-coloured contacts. Rather than her usual mesmerising brown, I've got her a pair of darker blue contact lenses she can put in to hide her true colour.

I had her help in the matter of acquiring them, but once I told her the idea and my reasoning, she was more than happy to go through with it. I thought she would be anyways - but I had to check-in.

Fuck, I've spent enough time in bed. And as much as I want to stay, forgetting about my responsibilities; I can't do that tonight.

I curl an arm around elodies back, grabbing her side lightly and using my other hand to slide it under her head. While I slide off the bed, I lift Elodie carefully, making sure she's still sleeping. Shuffling away from underneath her, I lift her down onto the mattress again, lightly dropping her head to the plush pillow I was just led on.

Desire  {18+}Where stories live. Discover now