Chapter 70

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I tug at my headphones, hearing the announcement blare from the speakers above me

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I tug at my headphones, hearing the announcement blare from the speakers above me.

We're landing soon. We'd been on the plane for about an hour and a half already. I managed to stay silent for the majority of the car drive to the runway, keeping my gaze out the window and admiring Valencia's pretty land.

I've been here long enough to experience the beautiful city throughout autumn and winter. The weather has been pretty calm, with no extremely cold climates. While I do love some snow, I'm used to not experiencing the sight so often, considering previously living in Southampton. I let out a shallow sigh.

It shocks me how I've already been here for almost four months.

For some reason, it feels like much longer. I've spent two major holidays here in Spain, already. I've done so much, seen so much, and experienced so much. I've warmed up to this place, but being here does make me feel like I still miss my old life.

My old life.

Where I'd work at The Coffee Joint alongside Iris, spend my free time reading and walking around the city, or travelling as little as I did. I do miss it.

But my life also wasn't perfect. Rent was always higher than I wanted it to be. I'd hardly see my mum. I didn't go out and take advantage of my younger adult years to have fun. I'd been the cautious, slightly boring - but extremely pretty as Iris had said - girl. I'm not entirely her anymore. Here, I've learnt and done new things.

But here, I'd also been protected from the horrors of real life. I mean, the whole reason I'm here is a perfect example. I'd been kidnapped and taken to an auction. Almost sold off to someone who wouldn't have cared about my safety. That experience opened my eyes to how fucked up the world is. How fucked up people are.

Knowing that happened to me, and many more women before and possibly after me, still made my stomach churn at the thought. But slowly and surely, the thought pushes to the back of my mind, only resurfacing rarely when I'm alone with only my thoughts. It makes me feel better, when I think of it, that Harlow is trying to stop this and save the poor girls brought into something so horrible.

And she's saving us now, too. Me, Vera, Sam, Elena, and most of the other girls at the mansion. She keeps us safe while she clears any information on us from places the information shouldn't be.

All of this, what she does, makes her look like she cares. And she does, but she does not act like it most times. Though, I've not been sure of that, recently.

My thoughts are let go of as I turn my head to my right, where it meets the disappearing clouds around us. The view of Italy from a bird's eye view peaks through the grey clouds slightly, still hiding most of the country from the eye.

I've never been to Italy, of course. However, it's always been a country I've had on my imaginary bucket list.

I let a smile spread across my lips as I continue my dreamy gaze.

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