Start from the beginning

Technofan12321: go to the nether

"Alright, we are going into town. I'm going to need a better disguise though."

Carpediem: Wooo! Seize the day

Technofan12321: Boo

Yodasstick: find stuff to buy we must.

Arknaz: getting a disguise will be too much work

"It doesn't need to be a good disguise; I just need to look a bit more human." Techno said, then began to concentrate. He wanted to look just a bit more human, while not completely changing his look. After a few minutes Techno decided to try and base his façade on certain fan-arts, specifically those where he was a human, had pink hair, and a boar's skull. Techno was about to start gathering materials for his disguise, when chat started freaking out.

Technofan12321: Techno your body!

Pathoftheswole: swoleness has been lost, sadge

Average_techno_fan: Techno changed realities

"Heh?" Techno directed towards chat, before looking down and realizing his body had changed into an exact replica of the fan-art he had in his mind. "Heeeeeeh?"

Bananamilkshake: quick, get @Hmyes, he'll know what's going on

OWCAOfficial: @Hmyes bring back-up

Technofan12321: @Hmyes help!

Hmyes: what is going on, I just got pinged like a hundred times.

Hmyes: WTF Techno, I was gone for three minutes, what did you do?

Yallneedhelp: Oh no, the most knowledgeable person here doesn't know what's going on!

Bananamilkshake: Techno more powerful than a being that is all knowing, lets goo

"You don't know what's going on, bruh. Aren't you supposed to know everything about this world?"

Hmyes: I do know everything about this world, which means it's not of this world

"Can I change back?"

Hmyes: Idk, try doing what you did when you transformed, but in reverse.

Techno thought back to how his shape had changed. The only thing he could think of was visualizing the fan-art, so Techno focused on his initial form of a piglin with a crown, scarlet coat, and red cape. Techno looked down, and he was back in his original form.

"That's cool. I can use this."

Average_techno_fan: Yo Techno's getting more abilities, lets go

OWCAOfficial: Great googly moogly!

Istanheysoos: He's just like that one dude, his power level's over nine thousand!

Ghostbur walked back into the house, following Friend, and noticed Techno at the table. Techno heard Friend come in and looked up from the voices.

"Hey Ghostbur, I'm heading into town to get supplies."

"I thought you were still wanted by L'Manberg? Is it safe?"

"Ghostbur, L'Manberg is de... not near here, we're in another world."

"Won't you still be recognized?"

"Nah, I found a new ability." said Techno as he changed skins into the humanoid form, changed from dress clothes into leather clothes, and pulled on a cloak.

Techno bid farewell to Ghostbur started walking into town. On his way, Techno decided to hunt some squirrels for added realism, and used his bow and arrow. Techno got six squirrels, and got eye-shots (What you want to get when bow hunting squirrels to prove skill) on five of the squirrels.

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