Chapter 7- Stranger and the Study

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Could Have Been Me- The Struts

Y/n's POV

The fog finally cleared up and Hunter and I began walking once again. I can tell he's started to warm up and being a lot softer... hes definitely a lot more different than he was when we first met or started this fucking journey. As much as I hate this long journey back home, im kinda glad it's with Hunter, though I'd never admit it. He definitely doesn't see me as a friend yet though. One thing I can admit though is that when he's not mad and grumpy like usual, he can actually be kinda...cute! Like everytime he sees a big he gets really excited! Or when I mention something, he gets really happy and says he's read about them before.

"Oh! And there was also something about how almost spiders are scared of other spiders! That's weird right?", Hunter was going on and on about facts he had learned while reading within the castle. I smiled at seeing him happy. For some reason, seeing his wide tooth gaped smile and joy made my stomach flutter. "Are you okay? You've been silent a while", He came up to me with a slight worried expression.

I was a bit shocked that the Golden Guard actually worried for me!

"Yeah, it's just nice to see you all... smiley", I said. I had no reason to keep it a secret I was glad seeing him happy. He seemed a bit shooken by my saying.
"Oh- uhh" he coughed, putting a fist up to his mouth.

I had gotten a bit bored and wanted to lighten up the mood again. I had waved my hand and summoned my lyre, plucking a few strings to test them. Hunter lifted his head and looked over at me, eyes glaring at the lyre in awe.

A few twigs and leaves lifted off from the ground with my magic, floating towards Hunter and dancing around his head. They hovered in front of his face and morphed to shape a cardinal. This caused the blonde to gasp slightly and hold his hands out. The bird refused to land on his hands and instead, just flew by his side. I could've sworn I heard a few laughs from him.

I stopped playing abruptly, letting the twigs and leaves plummet to the ground. I had heard something coming towards us. Or behind us. Hunter caught on quickly and looked behind us, a small squeak escaping his mouth.

A large cart being carried by big horses was approaching. A large frog looking creature at the reins. It seemed to be a toad-person. The cart stopped right next to us. The large creature turned its head to look at us. The creature was wearing a large dark brown dirty coat with multiple layers of clothing underneath. And a small black fedora atop its head. They also seemed to be smoking a pipe in their mouth.

"Ye kids here lost?", he inquired.
"No, we are just having a stroll", Hunter stepped in.
"Two kids on a walk thas 2 hours away from town?? Let me give y'all a ride back", the road smiled.

I smiled, "that would seem lovely, sir"
"No! No it would not! What are you doing?", Hunter hissed at me, pulling me aside.
"Hunter, look, this man is offering us a ride to the nearest town. And we certainly will get there a lot quicker on a cart than we would on foot.", I pleaded.
"I don't trust him"
"I never said I trusted him either, but wouldn't you think it's worth a try? We're both tired, and there might be some food there and an inn"

Hunter pondered for a moment before sighing in defeat, "alright, fine. But if he turns on us, don't say I didn't warn you"

"If it's not too much", I turned back to the toad.
"Oh, not at all! Yew kids 'op in! I have some food in the bags too if Yee need!", he smiled, continuing to smoke his old pipe. "Names Shamdor by thee way"
"Nice to meet you, Shamdor", I grinned. "We'll try not to be much of trouble"

Hunter's POV

I sat on the cart with my arms crossed, tightly to my chest. I didn't trust this guy one bit. But Y/n never claimed that they did either, but they are certainly being more kind than I ever would have been.

Y/n was so cool... and I hated to admit it... but I don't think they'd see me as a friend... though I definitely see them as one. I hated wondering if I'd ever see Y/n again after we've returned to the castle. Would they just dump all memories of the journey and carry on with their life? Hell, I think Belos would make me do that anyway.

They looked so calm, fiddling with their cloak, and even some loose wood that was on the bench. I could feel my face getting warmer the longer I stared at them. Was I getting sick? Y/n looked back at me, causing me to immediately look back down at my feet. Why was my face getting so warm all of a sudden? And why is my heart beating so fast?

"So, how old do Yee kids say y'all were??", Shamdor asked.
"Uhh...", Y/n looked at me, signaling for me to answer.
"Eighteen! We're both eighteen!"
"Heh, so, legal adults eh? No wonder you're out so far mm" Shamdor turned his head to face us both but seemed to be eyeing the Bard Owl. Something in my chest burned of anger. My hands balled up in fists as I stared daggers at Shamdor. The Bard Owl hadnt noticed the way the toad person was staring at them.

After an hour and a half of driving, Shamdor finally dropped us off at a small town called BrightScale

"Yew kids be safe out there al'righ'?", Shamdor called.
"We will!" Y/n waved goodbye with a wide smile. "Thank you for the ride!"
"Anything for a pretty lady like you", Shamdor whispered under his breath, Y/n couldn't hear it, but I sure could.

"Excuse me a moment", I excused myself politely, Y/n nodded. I turned towards the Toad holding the reins to the two horses and marched forward. "Listen here, I saw the way you were staring at them. You fucking perv, back off. And they're not a lady so you better respect boundaries and privacy or you can just fuck off" I growled, grabbing ahold of the toad's collar. Shamdor didn't seem at all threatened, and just blinked with a blank expression. "And I'll have you know, I'm the head of the Emperor's Coven next to Belos so I suggest, you follow as I say, or I'll have all of the coven on your tracks, hunting you down non-stop. Do you understand?" Now this got Shamdor in a stage of fear. He quickly nodded and whipped the reins, causing the horses to trot off.

I dusted off my hands and turned back to the bard owl.

"What was that about?", they asked, tilting their head.
"I was just thanking the kind man for the ride", I scowled. Y/n didn't want to push it any further and continued looking for an inn.

We eventually found an inn that didn't seem at all expensive. Around the same price as the first inn we were at, except there was only one room left. And only one.

Y/n and I entered the room and saw that there was only... sigh... one bed...

"I'm the criminal, I should sleep on the floor", Y/n suggested.

I hadnt really payed attention to what they had said, for I had found a small book layed on the desk next to the bed.

Spirited Away, it was titled. The summary had seemed...interesting to say the least.

I held the book up and turned toward the h/c. L
"Do you Uhmm... want to read this with me?"I hesitantly offered. The Bard Owl's eyes widened a bit, and coughed.
"I mean, uh, sure!"

I sat down on the bed, patting the spot next to me for Y/n to sit by. We took turns reading, and made some jokes together about some of the characters or whatever was going on. Though the book was legendary— like wow! How come I've never seen this book before?! I'd be lying if I said I hadn't shed a few tears in the middle of reading.

But as I was in the middle of reading the very last paragraph, I had felt a sudden weight being placed on my chest. I look down and saw the Bard Owl had fallen asleep— they looked so...peaceful... I'd feel so bad if I were to wake them up... I had no choice but to close the book and reach to turn off the lamp. After doing so, I lifted the covers and blankets and placed them on top of me and Y/n. Without thinking, my arms wrapped around them. My mind was racing with thoughts too fast to comprehend!

1532 words!

Wooo!!!!! I love the one bed trope so much I'm sorry— and Hunter is definitely warming up to Y/n :> maybe it's not as much as a slowburn as I thought it might've been. But anyway, I hope you enjoyed! BAIIIII!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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𝐈𝐭'𝐥𝐥 𝐁𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐞 (Golden Guard x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now