One Sided Fight and the horrifying truth

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Hey guys here's the new chapter for you all just a hint of warning I'm very bad on fight scenes so please let me know what you think

There they were standing face to face with a werewolf bitch who is an arrogant fool and a deadly virus who became human once more


Adventure 1: I bet on the level 6 in the Loki familia

Adventure 2: yeah me too

As the betting goes on the Hestia familia are nervous well except for Alfia. But it didn't stop bell from being nervous about this fight that will be happening

Loki familia

???: There's no way that  a level 1 can beat bete

???: Yeah but don't you feel bad that we were the that started it  right captain Finn

Finn: yes while we were the ones who let the minotaur escaped but my thumb is twitching badly I fear bete will lose

Back to the fight

Alex: well are you going to move or will I

Bete: shut up trash I will enjoy breaking all of you bones

Bete charges at Alex believing that he will drop after the first Puch but that didn't happen as Alex just took the punch in the face and didn't move a inch

Alex: my turn

As he swings his claws at bete but bete dodges at the last second buts gets scratch by Alex claws

Bete: aaahhh

As he screams in pain everyone was in shock to see a level 6 get injured by slow level (aka no one knows he is a high level)

Loki familia

???: How could he scratch bete

???: I don't know tiona

???: He shouldn't have picked this fight

???: Oh calm down your motherly side is coming out

As the talks were happening we go to the Hestia familia

Bell: woah how is he doing that and should we stop him mom. MOM


As the fight progressed Alex started feeling weird so he did what was natural and changed his arms

As the fight progressed Alex started feeling weird so he did what was natural and changed his arms

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He's muscle mass has come



Alex: don't worry about that worry about when I break you

Alex changed his stance into that of a  boxer and started punching Bete rapidly and everybody could hear some bones break cringes at the sound but Alex is not stopping until

Bell: Mr.Alex please stop let him go

But Alex doesn't listen


Alfia: fine

As she goes to Alex and slaps him hard to get him to stop and by some divine miracle he stops

Alex: ow (rubbing his jaw) alfia what happened

Alfia: you were beating the shit out of this fucker and weren't stopping so I slapped you

Alex: shit (looks down) Holy Fuck did I do this

As he sees Bete all bloody and broken Alex gets up and sees other people looking at him with scared and terrified expression and he remembers the looks he would get in new York, he looks over at bell and bell is scared of him it reminded him of how Dana was scared of him

As he sees Bete all bloody and broken Alex gets up and sees other people looking at him with scared and terrified expression and he remembers the looks he would get in new York, he looks over at bell and bell is scared of him it reminded him of ho...

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

And Alex couldn't take it anymore and took off to the dungeon where he knows where only monsters live

Alfia: Alex wait

As Alfia tries to stop him but couldn't as he ran too fast to even stop knowing now that she has to chase him down now

Hey guys sorry about the short fight scene but I hope you all like it so be ready for the next chapter and give me some suggestions on who you want Alex to date first in later chapters

is it so wrong for a virus to slay some monsters Where stories live. Discover now