The Beginning of the end

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Here he is stopping a nuke from destroying Manhattan after his fight with the supreme hunter. You know if anyone was to tell him that he would be killed by his own employers and the government plus infected with a virus he helped create from another virus he would have sent you to the insane asylum.

But now here he is Alex J Mercer trying to save the god dam city being glassed from the face of the earth but maybe this will redeem him on what he did in Penn station but he knows it will do little to right his wrongs.

As the time on the nuke goes down and him taking it as far as he can from new York he hopes that his sister Dana can get out of the city and find a nice and quiet place away from blackwatch and the blacklight virus.

But he knows that she won't do any of what he is thinking he just hope that she is sa.

Huge nuke explosion goes off

This is the end of Alex J Mercer only if that were true

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This is the end of Alex J Mercer only if that were true

Hey guys this Is my new story sorry for it being short but this is my prototype and danmachi story and I don't own either so leave me a comment if you like it or not and no I will still be writing on my other stories as well this was just on my mind but quick question should He have a harem or not just to let you know he will become human and have the ability he gained from the game so yeah just tell me what you think peace✌️

is it so wrong for a virus to slay some monsters Where stories live. Discover now