What it's like dating Asra

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-Random kisses and hugs from behind

-Lots of naps together

-Dancing in the rain

-Cooking/ baking together

-Singing and being silly with each other

-Lots of little gifts from everywhere he goes

-Always going on a date in a field of flowers

-Cuddles all the time

-Never lies to you (unless it's to protect you)

-Tells you they love you every time they see you

-Always makes you laugh

-Random walks at midnight

-Loyalist person you'll ever meet

-Holds your hand whenever they can

-Forehead kisses

-Hardly ever fight, if y'all disagree you both handle it like adults

-Loves writing you little letters even when he's home, if you reply he keeps your letters somewhere safe for him to read when he misses you

-Gives the best advice, and will always be there for you <3

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