Chapter thirty eight - Little Piggy

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"How did you find us?" I questioned sheepishly after we had made it to the edge of the kingdom.

"Did you two seriously think I didn't know what you were planning on doing?" He questioned sharply. He was clearly still upset with the situation. I didn't say anything. "Last week while you two were training God knows where, I went looking for you in your rooms and found the plans on Techno's desk." I furrowed my brows as I looked up at the pinkette.

"You left them on your desk!?" I yelled. He only shrugged leaving me to wack him in the chest and mumble a quiet, 'idiot.'

"You're both idiots. What were you thinking? Hm? That you would just walk in, kill the royal family, and walk out? The odds of one of you succumbing to the voices or your power was way higher." He scoffed as he turned down the road that lead home. My eyes widened when I realized what he said though.

"How did you know...about my powers?" I asked quietly. He stopped and turned to look at me.

"I've known about your hybrid powers since I took you in." He let out a long sigh and it seemed to take all his frustration with it. "Shortly after you had settled in with us, I was walking past your room when I spotted you sitting on your bed playing with something in your hand. When I looked closer I recognized it as fire. At first I was confused because it was purple and I had never seen anything like that. But then I did more research and, even though there's very little written on your kind, I eventually figured out what you were. I figured you would tell me when you were ready but I never imagined this." He turned his back and began walking again. I looked up at Techno silently questioning him if he knew that Philza knew. He merely shook his head before continuing to follow him home.

When we reached the house we found Tommy screwing around with Tubbo outside. When he saw me though he came running towards us asking a billion questions. Tubbo went inside to get Wilbur since he was the one with the most medical experience even if it was only because Tommy got hurt so often.

"Tommy I'm fine. It's ok." I reassured him in a fake calming voice as Techno continued to carry me to the house.

"What the fuck did you do this time Techno!?" The blonde shouted, ignoring my words. The boy was referring to when we would train and Techno would get a little too rough.

"He didn't do anything Tommy. This one was on me." I spoke quickly with a monotone voice before Techno could give away what had actually happened. The blonde turned to me with an uncertain look, telling me he didn't believe that for a second. Before I could try and convince him though Tubbo came back out of the house with Wilbur tailing behind him. The brunettes face scrunched up in anger that was clearly directed at Techno before mumbling a 'bring her inside and up to her room'. Techno did as he was told without question and Wilbur began to bandage my wounds in scilence.

"Wil-" He cut me off.

"Don't." I shut up. This was pretty typical. Tommy and Wilbur felt pretective of me ever since I started to become distant after I started hanging out with Techno. I think they were trying to undo my training, but what they didn't realize was that it was already too late. At this point any form of emotion I show them is fake. Just a way to get them off my ass about the whole becoming more like Techno thing.

"Stay here." Wilbur said after he finished bandaging my wounds and stood to leave. I just rolled my eyes and watched him leave.

After a couple minutes I could here shouting downstairs. After about a half an hour of that my door swung open and Tommy came running in. He went straight to my closet and pulled out a suitcase.

"What do you think you're doing?" I questioned with no emotion. The blonde froze and turned to face me with a look of utter anger.

"Don't talk like that!" He shouted. "You're not him! You don't need to be an emotionless arsehole who puts others in danger for stupid anarchy!" He bellowed before turning back to the closet and stuffing clothes into the bag. I ignored his rant and repeated my question.

"What. Are. You. Doing. Tommy." I stated slowly. He huffed.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm packing you're fucking bag. You, me, and Wilbur are leaving."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I tried to sound angry but I knew I couldn't actually let myself get angry. He stopped, dropped the bag, and marched over to my bedside.

"You've changed! Ever since you and Techno started your super secret training you've become a completely different person! You don't care anymore! You just do whatever the hell you want and say fuck it to what other people might want!" I scoffed

"That's real rich coming from you Tommy. You never listen to anyone else and do whatever you want all the time." I deadpanned. He mimicked my scoff and turned back to the closet picking up the bag again.

"Yeah, well at least I didn't help our brother destroy an entire kingdom." He grumbled. My eyes grew wide as I looked to the open door to see Techno standing in the hallway. I gave him a questioning gaze but he just walked away.

Later that day I forced myself out of bed and limped my way to Techno's room. It wasn't too difficult thanks to my enhanced healing but it still hurt like a bitch. When I finally made it I asked him what he told Tommy, Wilbur, and Phil had happened. At first he just stared at me from his desk chair before standing up and walking over to me with no emotion or words. He picked me up and took me back to my room, quietly telling me I should rest as he placed me on my bed. As he turned to leave I asked again,

"What did you tell them Techno." It came out harsh and as more of a demand than a question. He stopped at the door and let out a deep sigh.

"We went on a mission to take down a monarchy. I lost control and destroyed the entire castle while you tried to talk me down. Eventually you got in my way and I attacked you. When I regained control the entire kingdom was decimated and you were severely injured. So i picked you up and carried you home." When he was done talking he shut my door and left me alone with my thoughts.

Why would you do that Techno? Tommy and Wilbur will never forgive you. They'll force me to leave with them tomorrow and I'll never see you again.

Why do you have to be so damn stubborn little piggy.


1876 words

Sorry for not uploading it's been pretty hectic with family shit and school.

Anyways, please vote if you enjoyed the chapter! Have a good day/night!

Author out o7

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