You Hurting, Hurts Me Pt. II - K. MJ x Reader

Start from the beginning

I sighed in frustration trying to get a hold of myself but before I could calm down, Y/n started to walk away.

"Wait!" I yelled before it was too late.

"Why did you come to find me?!" I asked.

Y/n-ah stopped in their tracks and then turned to say, "I wanted a hug".

Y/n then turned back around and kept walking.

"Dammit!" I whispered to myself.

- Y/N POV -

I walked home as Minji followed right behind.

As upset as I was about her dismissing me, I couldn't really help but be thankful that she had stopped me from buying alcohol.

When I got home, Minji tried to follow me in but I wouldn't let her.

Suddenly, she wrapped her arms around me.

"I didn't mean to make you feel like you couldn't talk to me," Minji whispered in my ear.

"Let go!" I responded a bit upset.

I didn't like to be comforted. It felt uncomfortable.... it sucked to have people look at you with petty in their eyes.

"You said you wanted a hug," Minji-ah responded.

"I wanted a hug hours ago. Now all I want is for you to leave me the hell alone!" I bitterly answered as I pushed her off me.

Minji dismissing me or not really listening to what I was saying was a usual thing for me. She was always busy or didn't understand my situation, so I opted to just not tell her things anymore.

I knew I was acting out a bit too. As much as I appreciated the fact that Minji was trying... I really did just want to be alone.

My current problem right now was that I had been sober for over 72 hours so I could feel all my pain for once.

During my peek misery for the day, all my heart, mouth, and soul could say was... "I need a hug". So I gathered all my strength and courage....then went to go find the only person I felt okay possibly hugging.

"You don't want to be alone. You just want to feel okay," Minji suddenly responded.

"Come on, let's get you inside. I'll make you dinner," She added as she walked into my house, dragging me in with her.

When we walked in, Minji was in shock. I had cleaned my house and rearranged the house furniture.

I wanted a new start... I wanted to give myself another chance.

But no matter how many times you clean your house or how many times you cut your grass or how many times you drink tea or whatever else...

That's not how healing works.

"You cleaned?" Minji asked.

"Yeah," I whispered a bit embarrassed.

"Are you feeling alright?" Minji asked with her eyebrows knitted together.

"I- I- I don't understand....," I responded a bit confused.

That was not the reaction I thought she'd have.

Minji-ah then suddenly turned and cupped my face. Before I could even react.... she pressed her lips on mine.

As our lips touched, my whole soul felt the emotional distress I had been trying to ignore about our relationship.

- Minji POV -

I missed Y/n's lips.

I realized that if I really wanted Y/n to know that I love them... I had to let go of my pride.

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