Start from the beginning

"If they try to turn her before, it still might kill her, and it would absolutely kill the baby. It would stop all of her organs and her blood flow, both of which are needed to keep a baby alive in someone's body. Their best bet is to wait until the thing is out of her before doing anything to anyone."

    I lean up and press a kiss to the bottom of Seth's chin. "I think she'll be okay. She's pretty tough as is."

    "You haven't seen her, Will. I really wish I could think she would be okay. It looks like there's a balloon stuffed under her shirt every day and her eyes are so sunken you'd think she was already dead," he sighs and holds me closer. "And I feel so selfish for it, but God, I just want all of this to be done so I can be with you all the time again. It feels like it's been years, not a week."

    "I've already managed to fight with both Sam and Quil, and with your mom at Charlie Swan's house most of the time, I've got nowhere to go but here and the beach."

    "My mom's been at Charlie's?"

    I giggle and smack his arm. "Holy shit, we're so stupid. I had the same reaction when Emily said that to me last week. But yeah, she's been with Charlie most of the time apparently. They're never here, otherwise I would probably raid your clothes and start sleeping in your room instead of here at Emily's."

    "I think Emily enjoys your company though. You wouldn't leave her alone, would you?"

    I sigh. "No, probably not. I do like her company too. She's like my big sister and best friend all in one."

    He smiles down at me and rolls onto his back. "This is so nice. A bed. With you in it."

    "Oh my God. That's the saddest thing I've ever heard."

    He laughs at me before sitting up. "Come with me. I'm sure we could find somewhere for you to stay, and then I wouldn't have to risk crossing enemy lines to see you. We could be together all the time until this mess is sorted out."


    "Don't say we can't do it. We would figure it out, you and me. We're good like that."
    "I can't, Seth," I say quietly. His entire face falls as he turns his body so he can look at me. He looks so tired, and even though I want nothing more than to say yes to him, I know I can't leave Emily like this. She's done so much for me since I came to be in her care, and even if I wasn't grateful for that, I have no money and no way to get anywhere. I rely on someone else for everything. I can't be an ungrateful brat who just takes money and resources from the people around me like a leech. I refuse to be that person. "It'll only be a few months before Bella gives birth at this rate. Then we'll be together again."
    "If Sam and his pack don't kill us trying to get to the baby."
    "Don't say that."

    He throws his arms in the air. "What else do you want me to say, Willow? We might die. That's just our reality. I would rather spend the last few months of my life knowing that I did everything I could to spend it with you."

    "Seth, you're not going to die. Please don't say-"
    "Willow, I might die!"
    I sit up next to him and pull his face into my hands. "You won't die. There's no way those guys would have it in them to kill you, or Jake, or Leah. You're going to be fine, and then we'll have the rest of our lives to be with each other."
    He closes his eyes and leans hard into my touch. "Just come with me," he whispers, his face scrunching up like he's about to cry. I sigh shakily and look down at our laps. "Please, love."

    "I can't."

    He whimpers and falls against me, his face tucked into my neck as he shudders. I feel so helpless that it's all I can do to not start crying myself. Instead I hold the back of his shoulders and rest my head against his. There's nothing I can do when I feel his tears hit my skin.

    "I'm sorry, angel."

    He shakes his head and pulls me even closer, practically on top of him as he continues to cry quietly into my shoulder. I thread my fingers through his hair and press my lips against the top of his head. I don't have a clue what to do to help him feel better, so I just let him cry it out. I feel like the worst person in the world when he turns his red eye up to me.

    "I'm sorry," I whisper, my voice cracking a little. He leans his forehead against mine and sighs, his hands fiddling with the edge of my shirt. "I really wish I could come with you."
    "I know, Will."

    I slowly lean back until we're laying down, his head resting on my chest. I sigh at the ceiling as he wraps his arms around me and falls asleep almost instantly. This feeling...being so helpless when he's so upset...it's the worst. Nothing in the world has ever made me feel so terrible before. I just hope Bella has her baby soon so I can have Seth back all the time and be happy again.


    I wake up to Emily knocking at my door. There's a split-second where I panic because of Seth, but that disappears when I realize he's already gone. Then I'm just sad.

    "Sleep good?" Emily asks as she comes in. I flop back down on my back and cover my face with a pillow. "What? Nightmares again?"

    "I think I'm getting my period this week."

    Emily giggles and pulls the pillow away from my face. She looks really pretty today - not that she isn't always beautiful - and it's weird. Usually she only looks that nice if we're going out somewhere. Which must mean we're going out somewhere. I would generally be excited about this, but given my recent inclination to dress like a divorced man in his 50's, going out isn't exactly the first thing on my list.

    "What time is it?" I ask. It's light out, so past seven at least. I usually get up around ten these days.

    "Two?" I practically yell. Who sleeps that late except for moms? And maybe people who work night shifts. And how could I not tell that it was past noon? I thought I was better at judging by the sun. "Why didn't you come wake me up earlier? I could've been helping make food and clean and stuff!"

    "Because I didn't need to, and because you looked so peaceful. Clearly you needed the sleep if you were still here when I came in."

    I groan and sit up, shaking my head at myself. "I'm sorry, Em."    "It's okay," she stands up cheerfully and starts for the door, "There's still plenty of dishes left in the sink."

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