(S:3 Ep: 2) Bedroom

Start from the beginning

Dolly: Argh, no! (*she does the same, being behind Pearl now*)

[In the spare bedroom, Lips had finally pushed Dolly's bed to the corner. As he stands up, Dolly walks in dragging the rug behind her.]

Lips: OK, bed's in. (*he begins to walk away*)

Dolly: Thanks, big fella. (*she puts the rug down in the middle of the room*)

Lips: Don't call me big fella.

Pearl: (*she runs into the room*) Hey, big fella, can- (inhale) Can you move my bed?

Lips: Oh, man...

[Cut to the girl's bedroom]

Lips: (*he finishes pushing Pearl's bed to where Dolly's bed was and huffs*) Done.

Pearl: Thanks, Dad. (*she walks to her bed and sits on it*)

Dolly: (*she runs in the room after Lips leaves, heading straight to Pearl's bed*) Hey, Pearl. You moved your bed to where mine was.

Pearl: Yeah, is that OK?

Dolly: Sure, that's fine.

Pearl: I did it so we can still watch Malcolm.

[Dolly climbs on Pearl's bed and both look out the window to a tree. In the tree is a male red-winged blackbird sitting in a nest, resting. He was placed in the perfect position for the girls to see from the window.]

Dolly: Oh, yeah, good one. What's he doing?

Pearl: Not much.

Dolly: Come on, Malcolm, do something.

[After a beat, Malcolm moves his feathers some. He settles back down right after.]

Dolly and Pearl: Ooh, he heard us!

[In the hallway, the girls have separated their stuffed animals between the two rooms. Dolly's pile is outside of her new room and Pearl's is outside of her room. On the wall behind them is Sticky Gecko as well, slowly but surely falling off. All plushies have been sorted out except for one sitting in the middle.]

Dolly: OK, these teddies are all mine.

Pearl: And these are all mine.

Dolly: (*she turns to the middle and looks at the lone stuffed animal*) Yes, now. What. About. Gloria?

Pearl: (*she turns and holds her chin questioningly*) Yes, what about Gloria?

Dolly: (*she picks up Gloria*) She was a Christmas present to me from Grandad. But you didn't get a Christmas present from Grandad.

Pearl: 'Cause he forgot I- (inhale) I was born.

Dolly: Yes, he forgot you were born.

Pearl: So you said, "It's OK, Pearl, she can be both of ours."

Dolly: Yes, that's right.

Pearl: So- (inhale) Whose room should she go in?

Dolly: Hmm... (*she contemplates for a moment before handing Gloria to Pearl*) She can go to yours.

Pearl: Thanks, Dolly. (*she takes Gloria for a moment, but gives her back right after*) But how about she sleeps over at yours tonight?

Dolly: Oh, OK!

[We cut to Dolly's new room. Dolly is standing by the window, rocking Gloria in her arms and humming. She then lays the plushie in a box with a folded up blanket.]

Pearl: (*from her room*) Dolly!

Dolly: (*she runs to Pearl's room*)

Pearl: (*she points to the orange Himalayan salt lamp*) Who keeps lampy?

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