(S:1 Ep: 26) The Beach

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[The episode starts at the walkway to the beach. The ocean waves can be heard crashing in the distance. Lips, Dolly, and Pearl roll on screen on a skateboard, smiling brightly. All are in swimwear with the girls wearing shorts and oversized t-shirts over theirs. Lips stops the skateboard with his sandaled feet as they approach the entrance.]

Lips, Dolly and Pearl: Beach!!!

Dolly: (*she turns her head back*) Pop, beach!

Pearl: (*she turns her head as well*) Beach!

Lips: (*he looks behind him and cups his hands around his mouth*) Beach!

[Darrow is seen a while away, walking slowly. He's wearing a blue cap, black swim trunks and a purple sleeveless hoodie, carrying a duffle bag filled with essentials.]

Dolly: Aw, poor Pop, he's all alone.

Lips: Pop likes being by himself.

Dolly: Huh, I wonder why.

Pearl: (*she looks down at the skateboard and tries to make it move*) Beach!!

[On the beach, the girls are the first to run to the sand, instantly laying down in it. We then see a montage of the family on the beach. From putting on sunscreen and setting up the tent to playing in the water and Darrow getting a tan. Everyone is out of their cover-ups and now playing in the sand, the girl's hair pulled back into braids. Pearl has Dolly's legs buried in a sand mermaid tail and Lips is making an impressive sandcastle.]

Darrow: (*he walks to Dolly and ruffles her hair*) I'm gonna take a walk along the beach.

Dolly: (*she giggles*) Why do you like walking by yourself?

Darrow: Hm... Not sure actually, I just do! See you soon, little mermaid.

[Darrow leaves and a few minutes later, Pearl finishes the mermaid tail.]

Dolly: (*she looks to her side and her eyes light up. She picks up a conch shell*) Woah, look at this shell.

Pearl: Wow!

Dolly: (*she turns to Lips*) Can I go show Pop?

Lips: (*he barely looks up from the castle*) Yeah alright, off you go. Pearl and I will wait here.

Dolly: Really? (*she looks into the distance*) Is that Pop in the blue hat over there?

Lips: Yeah, that's him.

Dolly: And I can go all that way by myself?

Lips: Yeah, I'll keep an eye on you.

Dolly: For real life?

Lips: (*he looks up with a smile*) Yeah! Just don't go in the water.

Dolly: Yay!

Pearl: But how will you get there- (inhale) With no legs, mermaid?

Dolly: Oh yeah... Oh! You can be King Neptune and give me legs!

Pearl: Ooh! L—legs!

[Pearl waves her hands at the sand-made mermaid tail and Dolly's legs pop out of it, covered in little specks of sand. Dolly stands up and looks at Darrow shrinking in the distance.]

Dolly: Actually, he's a bit far away...

Pearl: But little mermaid. (inhale) You can follow Pop's footsteps. (*she points to the sand*)

Dolly: Oh yeah! Thanks, King Neptune! (*she starts running off*)

Pearl: Good luck!

Dolly: (*she skips along the beach*) I am the mermaid who got her legs! (*she then stops*)

Surfer: (*she runs past and winks at Dolly, holding a surfboard*) But they only last a day, little mermaid, so enjoy them! (*she jumps into the water and paddles in*)

Dolly: Okay, I will.

[Dolly runs a bit farther until she comes across a large flock of seagulls. They're blocking her path and covering up Darrow's footsteps.]

Dolly: Seagulls, can you please move? The mermaid wants to get through... (*the seagulls are still*) Dad, can you– (*she looks behind her*) Oh, right. Dad's back there... Well, um... (*she runs at the seagulls, yelling and giggling*)

[As Dolly continues to walk, a wave moves up to her feet and pulls back. Dolly jumps back from the wave as it washes away Darrow's footsteps.]

Dolly: You cheeky wave! You washed away Pop's footsteps! (*she then sees something poke out of the sand and kneels down next to it*) Ooh! Pipis! (*the pipi spits out water*) Pipis coming up for wee-wee's! (*she then sees a crab scurry by*) Oh, hey. Where are you going, lil' mate? (*she follows the crab, mimicking it*) Pinchy pinchy! I'm the mermaid who got her crab legs! (*the crab dives into a hole*) Where're you going, pinchy?

[Behind Dolly, a big herd of crab scurries up to her and she screams, running away. In the distance, Darrow is walking closer. He's still walking slowly, but his blue cap is getting a bit bigger.]

Dolly: Oh! Blue speck Pop is getting bigger. (*she cups her hands around her mouth*) Pop! I've got a shell to show you! Oh, he can't hear you. Better keep going. I'm coming! (*she stops again*) AAAH! Jellyfish!

[On the sand is a jellyfish, washed up onshore. Dolly looks around and grabs a nearby stick. She slowly walks to the jellyfish and pokes it hazardously. The jellyfish jiggles at the contact.]

Dolly: (*she smiles*) Ha-ha! You can't sting me jellyfish! (*she jumps over the jellyfish*) I'm the mermaid who got her legs!

[A bit farther down, she comes across a droopy sandcastle. It's decorated in seashells and seaweed. The incoming tide made it look deformed. It has a slight resemblance to Triton's castle.]

Dolly: (*as she looks around it*) Oh, an old castle! I wonder who lived here. Maybe this is where the other mermaids lived!

[Dolly then plants the stick on one of the stable walls of the castle and steps back to admire it. When she turns back, she comes face to face with a pelican. It stares at her and squawks.]

Dolly: Hello... Um, could you move, please? I need to show this shell to my Pop–

[The Pelican squawks again, causing Dolly to yell.]

Dolly: Maybe I should head back, I think I've had enough walking by myself. (*she looks back*) Oh... dad's just a yellow speck! Can't go backward, can't go forward... What am I gonna do? (*she looks at the sand and gasps*) Pop's footsteps! (*she looks back at the pelican*) Little mermaid's gotta be brave. I am the mermaid who got her legs but only for a day!

[Dolly then starts to walk around the pelican. Confused, the bird squawks once more before taking flight, gliding over the ocean.]

Dolly: (*she ducks, then looks at the pelican, waving at it*) Thanks for moving, Mr. Pelican!

Darrow: (*he calls out*) Dolly!

Dolly: (*she turn to her right and smiles*) Pop!

[Dolly and Darrow run at each other before meeting in the middle, Darrow picking Dolly up in his arms and hugging her.]

Darrow: Did you come all this way by yourself?

Dolly: Yeah! I'm a mermaid who got her legs!

Darrow: (*he looks shocked*) Past the jellyfish?

Dolly: Yeah! (*she points back*) And the pelican! And I saw a whole herd of crab!

Darrow: You little star!

Dolly: Listen to this!

[Dolly holds the shell against both of their ears and they smile, hearing ocean waves echo from inside. We then transition to Dolly and Darrow walking back to Lips and Pearl hand in hand. Their backs are towards us.]

Dolly: I love walking by myself.

Darrow: Oh yeah? Why is that?

Dolly: Um, I don't know, I just do! (*she pauses*) This is nice too though.

[The episode ends with the two continuing to walk away.]

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