Chapter five: how do I do that?

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When I was younger all I had ever wanted was to be normal, now the idea of being normal scares me like how do I do that?

My family used to say it was a curse and my illness only happened around every thirty years. Coincidentally the last person with the 'curse' was my aunt who I was named after.

She was also the last person to really talk to me in my extended family due to the fact that she is also excommunicated from the family.

I had planned on streaming the day of my big seizures but it was nothing big so instead we thought it would be cool if the three of us did a baking stream.

Phil and Kristen made sure I had all the ingredients in so we could start streaming soon.

We were going to make some cookies with all kinds of chocolate chips because I always have chocolate chips in the cupboard.

I was the one who was going to read out the recipe and talk to chat just in case of another seizure.

"Hi chat, Mumza and Dadza are here for the stream, we are making cookies." I beamed at chat while I read through what people were saying.

"How's my day been, well I had a few cluster seizures that were worse than normal but before that it was going well my friend had called me and we had chatted so my day has been okay. Have you guys had a good day so far?" I replied hoping no one would pick up on my tone.

"Good, good guys. We are going to be starting the baking now." I said before reading the first step of the recipe.

"Why is the most common thing in chat saying that I would be an amazing addition to the sleepy bois inc did you not know I am a member and they all know it on their hearts." I giggled at the look I was getting from Phil before he began to chuckle.

My phone had been going off since the sbi was first mentioned I looked down at my phone to see a billion notifications from Tommy fucking innit.

"Guys who told Tommy?" I asked my chat acting all serious before my façade broke and I just started laughing.

"Toms, to what do we owe the pleasure?" I said in a formal tone.

"Bitch. You are not in the sleepy bois inc, never will be they can write you into the fanfic but it will never happen real life." Tommy ranted as a bit.

"Alright, Tommy what was the title of our last bed wars stream with you, me, Will and Philza?" I asked looking into the camera on my phone into Tommy's eyes.

"Sleepy bois bedwars." Tommy muttered leaving the call making me laugh so hard I nearly fell off the counter I was sitting on.

"See chat I told you I am in the sbi even Tommy admitted it." I said to my shocked chat.

I then decided to try and be of some assistance to Phil and Kristen in the kitchen, but to me helping was cleaning up after the other two.

*Third person pov*

While they had their back to chat the seemed to have missed all of the people in their chat saying awful things about their weight and how they look like there going through something due to their massive weight loss.

When Phil and Kristen had arrived and saw Ash on the floor it was the first thing the couple noticed was the lack of weight on their friends body.

They both knew Ash had not been looking after themself but they would have never assumed it was this bad.

That was why the cooking stream was happening because of Ash having diabetes since they were born they know very well how to manage that.

However, sometimes they just would forget to eat, Phil and Kristen think it stems from how Ash was treated by their family.

Ash often got overwhelmed and when that happened they tended to neglect their own needs and watch tv or some unsolved crime shows.

Phil could often tell when they weren't doing well because they would do similar things each time like put out loads of videos at once or at random times daily because they usually stuck to their schedule of every other day at six in the evening and Sundays at seven in the evening.

The other tell was the way Ash looked if they were wearing their dresses and makeup it meant everything was fine but if they were having a hard time they only really wore sweatpants and hoodies with no makeup this was extremely unusual for them.

The other thing is Ash's streams tend to focus on the sims a lot when they aren't taking care of themself because the sims is their comfort game.

*Ash's pov*

"Alright chat that's the stream for today as we will be returning to the schedule for next week sorry for how unorganized the past couple of weeks have been love you guys see you next time." I said before ending stream, the kitchen was already tidy as I tidied up after Kristen and Phil.

I stole two cookies before grabbing my tea and inviting Phil and Kristen to join me in the living room.

Phil and Kristen where staying in my guest bedroom which had an en-suite so the next day I had not run into them until I was dressed and ready for the day I felt better than I had in a long time.

But good company always helped me, when I got down to the kitchen I realized no one was up yet so I got to work making us a fancy breakfast.

While things were cooking I checked my blood sugar before taking some insulin and grabbing the orange juice from the fridge.

Just when everything was ready I saw Phil and Kristen coming downstairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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