"Are they gonna have games?"

"I don't know sweetie"

about 15 minutes later I was finally done curling her hair and putting her hair in pig tails with red and green striped ribbons, which she wanted to wear, and I was finally done answering her questions. I helped her get into her almost maroon colored dress and helped her put on her black shoes. Once she was done I started getting ready, I started on my hair by curling it alittle. While I was doing that I got a text from Zak

Don't know if I gave you my mom's address but it's 5684 Palmer Rd.-Z

I text back

No, you didn't, thx 4 giving me the address so I know where 2 go-

Not a prob, see u when u get here-Z

I finished with my hair and then put my clothes on. I put on a light red blouse and black slacks, and put my black high heeled ankle boots on. When I was done I went into the livingroom to find Abby watching Tom & Jerry and eating some of her halloween candy

"Abby don't be eating candy before we go, you're going to ruin your dinner"

"But mommy..."

"No buts Abby, you know better, now let go upstairs and brush your teeth"

she got off the couch slowly and went to brush her teeth with me. When we were done we went to the car and I strapped her in and we took off to Zak's mom's house. I could tell Abby was mesmorized by the christmas decorations that were outside people's houses because she was quiet and every once in a while she would go 'wow'. 35 minutes later I pulled into a sub-division that Zak's mom lived in and every house looked almost the same structural wise. I finaly found Betty's house, it had multi-colored Christmas lights going around the house, a blow up Santa in his sleigh with two reindeer pulling, and you could see her Christmas tree infront of her big picture window. I parked by the curb, since her driveway had cars in it. I got out and then got Abby out and we walked up to her door, I rang the doorbell and Zak answered.

"DADDY!" Abby said happily and jumped into his arms

"Hey Abby" he said hugging her and then putting her down

"Hey Zak" I greeted and entered the house alittle

"Hi Kayla" he said looking at me

he then put his hands on my hips and ulled me into him and kissed me. I was shocked at what he just did


I then closed my eyes and put my hands on his shoulders. I heard people doing 'aww's' and the kids doing 'eww's'. We finally broke apart and I looked at him for some kind of reasoning behind the kiss and he pointed up and I looke up and saw a mistletoe

"My mom just put that up"

"Here ya go Zak" Mary, his sister said handing him a cellphone

"Thanks" he then pressed a few buttons

he led me into the house with his arm around my waist and I felt my phone vibrate. Me and Zak sat down on the couch and I looked at my phone and it was a message from Zak. He sent me the picture of us kissing under the mistletoe just a few seconds ago

So what do you say in being my girlfriend?-Z

I felt my heart skip a beat and I looked up at Zak and he was smirking at me

"Are you serious?"

He nodded and I hugged him tightly

"I'd love to" I said as my voice cracked

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