They Care ☁️🤍

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Thank you @GhostOfRussia for requesting<3

So as stated above ^ this is going to be an enemies/rival to friend/crush type thing, I see it being a rivalry with mutual respect for the other's hard work and talents

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So as stated above ^ this is going to be an enemies/rival to friend/crush type thing, I see it being a rivalry with mutual respect for the other's hard work and talents. Possibly less hatred and more annoyance with how well the two rival eachother, where one is strong the other is weak and by learning what makes the other strong and bettering themselves because of it. Hope you enjoyyyy!

"He infuriates me! He probably thinks he's so much better than me, that dung brained idiot!" You walked alongside Poppy and Natty, two close and quick friends of yours. Both had bonded over freeing the monsters Rookwood had captured and thanked the other for helping the cause, after a few times of them meeting and talking with you, you three were inseparable, a trio if you will. "Wow, it is incredible how much you seem to hate this Gaunt boy, what could he have done to get on your bad side?" Natty asked you, genuinely curious it seemed. Poppy on the other hand was laughing, "Oh goodness, you know Y/n, they sure do hold grudges!" You elbowed Poppy after she said this, rolling your eyes in annoyance and amusement, "How couldn't I hold a grudge? I had tried to be friends with Sebastian, then tried to befriend Ominis, but after I bested Sebastian on the first day he had already been badmouthing me. That snake doesn't even know me!" You crossed your arms, walking a little taller, "He made jeering remarks about how I was a Hufflepuff hard head whom didn't know the so called offer I was passing up. He invited me to a fight club, I don't want to go to some Dueling whatever when the school is already on me about fighting outside castle grounds." What were you to do anyway?

As you all made your way through the halls you heard some distinct remarks from classmates of yours, "He's quite the insufferable idiot I would say! That pure blooded supremacist Mole Rat needed my help the other day, if only he could actually see my face! He'd see how disgusted I was." You began to feel a rage bubbling up inside you as they continued, "The teachers pay him special attention because of his disability, no wonder he has good grades! The teachers must pity him." You grew angry at this, clear anger, "He must be lame brained as well, descendant of Salazar Slytherin, they are so obsessed with pure blood status that I'm sure he must be the product of some sort of incest! That's what I heard at least, explains his lack of sight." They started to laugh at this and you turned around much to the surprise of your friends, as you stormed up to the one who had said this, "Blasphemy! I hate Ominis Gaunt more than any of you, even I know you haven't the right to assume anything like that! He is a strong willed and soft-spirited individual whom I doubt would even hurt a fly. I'm his rival, I'm the thorn in his side! And what's this about Incestuous accusations? I'll have you know id doubt the Headmaster would tolerate you slandering the Gaunt name, I'd report you if I didn't want to set you on fire right now.".

They backed up, scurrying off, you had quite the reputation at that school, and knowing that, the group quickly headed to whatever classes that had next. Poppy popped up right next to you, "What was that all about? Defending him when you hate him so much? You confuse me Y/n, I'd bet you like him more than you let on!" Onai was quick to add on "I thought you had just finished explaining how much you dislike him, you are perplexing." You began to protest protecting him, using any excuse in the book to defend your actions, but little did you know the duo whom you had so disliked had been listening.

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