A distinct admiration.

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Hello, good morning, good afternoon, good evening whatever applies to you. I'm going to be alternating days between one-shots so if you want all the content you can get, follow me and add my other book to your reading list! Make sure to comment your requests so I know what to do next! Thank you, love you all!

This book will start from a 2nd person omniscient pov and shift to 1st person for certain parts, the first person will be in italics


What a day it was, beasts class was hectic, that same Slytherin boy from before had this time tried to grab the feathers from a Fwooper. You however caught him and used Levioso to stop him from being able to grab the bird, and moved on. Dumb poacher in the making, he ought to just bugger off and leave those poor animals be. As you made your way to Herbology class, you noticed a certain someone making his way towards the very same classroom.

"Ominis! Hey, headed towards Herbology id presume?" He nodded, "Yes, you know this is my next class, we both have it. And you are right next to me." you nervously laughed, "Come on im just trying to have some sort of excuse to walk with you." He made a face, one he made when he was trying to stop himself from saying something, a thing he had been doing more and more often. "Omi, you're making a face, what's up," you asked him, lightly and slowly placing your hand on his shoulder.

He sighed, "You read me like a book, wonder what that's like." You tried to hold back a giggle, but you couldn't help it, covering your mouth as you did so.

"Omi, you're making a face, what's up," they had asked me, I thought of a million answers, all of which would end with a premature confession of my feelings for them. It was the way they spoke, the cadence, their tone of voice, the way they pronounced my name. I couldn't help but love a person like that, I would jump into a chasm if they asked me to. "You read me like a book, wonder what that's like." A second after I made this small remark, they let out a small laugh, one so endearing I wanted to hear it forever. These thoughts are childish sure, but they are always there for me and Sebastian, helping me with my studies, going over material, assisting with book assignments. Never once did they mention my lack of sight, not once did they make me feel incompetent, not once did they in Insinuate I wasn't good enough.

"Sorry for laughing, I just couldn't help it," though I couldn't tell for sure, it sounded like they were smiling, an air of content calm surrounded them it seemed. "Not a problem, that was my intention." I wished we could speak more, but we had already reached the Herbology doors. They swung open, most likely at the will of Y/n, this admiration I felt for them, it was more than some silly want, it was more of a need. Would I dare tell them? I'm not entirely sure.

You and Ominis stood at your tables, conveniently one right next to the other, as class began you described the professor's movements to him, quietly of course, each distinct moment needed to uproot the plant you currently had set up in front of you. She pulled it with ease, so much so you could basically see the lean musculature of her hands, rather impressive really, but what did you expect from her really? "Alright, I think its time for you to try it yourself, ill be walking around in case you need the help!" Ominis leaned over to you, "So we just have to uproot this plant right, which one was it again?".

"Dittany, it's the smaller plant, green stems with textured flowers of a purple-pink shade. Do you need me to help you?" He seemed to hesitate answering the question. "If not it's fine I won't be offended or anything." You added, holding his hand and giving a reassuring pat. "No, I would like your help, I just don't want to be a bother." He seemed a bit nervous, it was true, you could read him like a book, for never seeing expressions before he sure made a lot of them, a few you've never seen before. "Sure, you know it's never a bother." You took the hand you were holding and helped him navigate where everything was, the location of the pots, where to grab the plant so on, and so on.

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