Headcannons because im up late at night 🐍

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IM SORRY IVE BEEN BUSY LATELY BUT HEADCANNONS AS A LITTLE SNEAKY SNACK! Enjoy and yes I can write about some of these if you wish!


Ominis is very descriptive when it comes to his emotions, it's like listening to a poet describe an intangible thing like time or existence. He often asks very philosophical or existential.

• He often asks you if you love him, not because he doubts you do, but because he likes hearing it. Its reassuring and comforting.

(Bellow is for people whom have periods, if not skip this)
• Had a freak out when you told him what a period was, he genuinely had no idea you felt pain (about, because

• Likes to lay down on top of you, like on your stomach, over your chest, on your thighs, etc. Just laying down with you in general makes him happy, he is a huge cuddle bug.

• Holds your hand 24/7 like all the time, sitting in class? Holding hands, walking through a hallway? Holding hands. Chilling in the undercroft? Holding hands. It's nice that he would follow you blindly, wait he is blind- I mean this metaphorically.

• Makes the occasional deadpan blind joke. It just happens sometimes and it's so uncalled for. You and Sebastian don't know if you should engage and laugh, or stay silent because it was rude.

• If he hears or feels the slightest indication of you being sad he will sit down and talk to you, boyfriend therapist but also needs one.

• gives off modern day baggy sweater with a while or black shirt underneath, you know exactly what I mean.

• favorite texture? Silk and anything with a soft or rough feeling to it, like he enjoys running his hand over brick walls because it feels funny ha ha.

• Would rather cut off his pinky toe than allow you to get harmed by any of the unforgivable curses, very protective when it comes to that.

• you guys were fast friends, you had the advantage of being new and interesting. Then ya both caught feelings.

• he caught feelings first, you were wayyyy after, like months after. He didn't say anything until it was casually mentioned by Sebastian so oh well.

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