Ch 2 : The Start

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Ryujin PoV

What a cute looking guy, Can't wait for tomorrow's party hehe. Don't worry Song Y/n. You're gonna be mine real soon. As soon as I close my phone, I suddenly heard knocking on my door. I open it, and turns out it was Yuna.

Yuna : "How did it go Unnie. Did you trick him into coming to the party tomorrow"?

Ryujin : "Yes Yuna I did. I think he's gonna come. Anyway why aren't you sleeping it's already very late".

Yuna : "Hehe I'm just curious about him. What makes him so special. What makes him so special that even the goddess Shin Ryujin fall for him".

Ryujin : "It's not your business Yuna. I like that guy so what"?

Yuna : "Pshh.. you always fall in love with your fans, I mean when we were in Itzy, you keep hooking up with random fans".

Ryujin : "It was a long time ago Yuna, besides I feel something different when I was talking with him".

Yuna : "Whatever Unnie. You do know that there's gonna be Chaewon Unnie at the party".

Ryujin : "So"?

Yuna : "I suggest you keep him from everyone before Chaewon unnie take him from you".

Ryujin : "I'm not letting anyone touch him Yuna, including you".

Yuna : "Awww that's a bummer. I would like to talk with him hehe".

I suddenly get enraged hearing what she say. I choked her neck hard, before glaring at her.

Ryujin : "If I see you close with him, I'll make sure you're suffer Yuna do you understand".

She didn't respond and instead of showing fear and getting scared, She let out a huge laugh, while tearing up and laughing menacingly.

Yuna : "Is that all you got Unnie? You are pathetic. If that's all you got, I can steal him without any effort at all".

Ryujin : "Just shut up and go to sleep".

Yuna : "Fine fine... GN Sassy Unnie boo boo ahahaha".

Y/n PoV

Bzzz... Bzzz. What is that noise.... Is it from my phone.. what time is it anyway. Shit it's already 1pm Gosh I must sleep like a bear last night. Yawnnnnnn..... Alright let's see what's all the noise is about.

14 miss call from Ryujin.

Aww shit. I'm dead.

Y/n : "My God this place is massive

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Y/n : "My God this place is massive. Am I even in the right address... It says it is".

Damn this house is huge... What kind of person is living in here. As I get closer to the entrance of the house, some bodyguard approaches me and suddenly grab me by the collar.

Bodyguard 1 : "What are you doing her kid. This is a private property... No random guys like you can get in".

Y/n : "Uhmm Ryujin Noona says that she wants me here sir. She says there's gonna be a party".

Bodyguard 2 : "Do you really think we're gonna trust you kid. Get lost and don't ever come back, before we hurty you".

Ryujin : "I don't think that's necessary Boys".

Bodyguard 1 : "M-m-miss Ryujin"

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Bodyguard 1 : "M-m-miss Ryujin".

Bodyguard 2 : "This kid is saying you invited him or some shit. We tried telling him to get lost but he didn't move an inch".

Ryujin : "He's with me boys. And I did invite him to this party".

Bodyguard 2 : "Ah shit".

Bodyguard 1 : "M-my apologies Miss, we didn't know you invited someone".

Ryujin : "It's okay.. I just hope you'll treat him better from now on. Cause he's gonna be here often".

Bodyguard 1 : "Understood Miss".

Ryujin : "Good. Now.. come on Y/n. The party is about to start".

Y/n : "O-o-okay Noona".

My God this is insane, I can't believe I'm walking to a party with Shin Ryujin of VIØN. She looks amazing too. I never seen her with this dress, I think she look stunning af.

Ryujin : "Are you done looking at my body kid".

Y/n : "Ah my bad Noona".

Ryujin : "Ahahaha I'm just joking.. You can look at me anytime babe, as long it's you I don't mind hehe".

What.. what is this feeling. My heart is beating so fast...

Y/n : "B-babe"?

Ryujin : "Yep... Your are my baby right".

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