I shook my head no, praying to god I didn't say anything I wouldn't tell Austin personally.


Austin's POV


The morning was quiet and peaceful for the most part. I managed to keep myself calm and collected rather than blow up on Madison which wouldn't help at all anyway, considering what's done is done.

Oh, if she knew how much it took me not to fuck some sense into her. Why the hell can't she stay away from that Alex kid? I just didn't get a good vibe from him, and his influence on my girl certainly helped prove my reason for disliking him.

I sighed as I raked my fingers through her hair and lightly massaged her scalp, her slightly heavier breathing signaling that she'd fallen back asleep.

My mind starting racing about everything I had to do tomorrow regarding grading and schoolwork, and it wasn't particularly anything I wanted to think about at the moment so I pulled out my phone.

I scrolled around doing nothing to waste a few minutes, before picking a picture of me and Madison and changing it to my background.

Smiling in content I shut my phone off for the rest of the afternoon and wrapped my arms back around Madi's warm frame. I hummed into her ear although she was asleep and trailed kisses down her neck delicately.

Over the course of 4 months I feel as if we're finally in a strong place. I feel as if I've known this girl all my life, when I've only just gotten the privilege to encounter myself with her months ago. At first I truly did not believe this would turn out the way that it has, I never actually thought I could get as far as a real relationship rather than a fuck buddy. To say I felt happy again would be an understatement.

But then comes marriage, and children, and I'm content with where we are now. Of course going further would have to be something to discuss in the future, but as of now,
I don't want to think about that.

At the moment, I had no other choice but to think of that, because I remembered her words from last night.

"Mads, baby." I sighed in annoyance when she dropped her head down as I was trying to get the last of the makeup off her face. "Two more seconds and I'm done."

"Sorry." She giggled quietly, which turned into a hiccup. "'M tired."

"I know. Come on, up." I murmured, lifting her off the counter and into my arms once again, strolling into my room only to gently lay her down in my bed.

I quickly took my shirt off and sat next to her on my bed so I could do the same to her. After taking her dress off, I managed to pry my eyes away from her delicious figure and button up my large work shirt on her body.

"There doll, all good." I whispered, pulling the covers over her cold body.

I got up briefly to rid myself of my pants before joining her under the blankets and placing a kiss on her temple. I'm angry, for fucking sure, but that would be something to go over in the morning, not now.

"Austin?" She whispered, tightening her grip around my hand.

"Yeah?" I sighed, closing my eyes.


"You need some sleep baby, we will talk in the morning."

"I love you." She whispered, and the rate my heart was beating at slowly but surely started to pick up. I sat there in my own thoughts without saying a word, and kissed her temple again once I noticed she had fallen asleep.

She loves me.
And I know for sure I'm going to have to sort out my shit and come to the conclusion if I love her back, too.

Being in love, and loving someone are two completely different things. And I wasn't sure if I was feeling one, two, or anything at all.

Maybe Madison didn't actually mean what she said, she was drunk and didn't remember anything about what was said last night when I asked.

But from numerous people, I've learned that drunken mind speaks a sober heart.

I'm so fucking conflicted.

"Oh, Madison. What you do to me." I whispered lowly into her ear, sighing shortly after as I shut my eyes in hopes that I'd escape my own thoughts for a bit and fall back asleep.


Monday came about quickly much to my displeasure, and I sat at my desk tired and annoyed at the fact that I'd have to teach another lesson before I could go home.

I scrolled through my computer, spying on Madison's facebook and looking at some pictures of her at her high school graduation. I grinned and took a picture of one of them from my phone and sent it to her saying,

"Always been so naturally beautiful..."

I payed no attention to the incoming students, seeing as there was still time until the bell, but nonetheless began to prepare to my things.

"I love them!" My ears perked at the words, and my eyes glanced up to see two girls talking about their shoes.

Fuck. I shook my head at myself for being so reactive towards that one word, and began to write this afternoons lesson on the board.


A knock at my door startled me and I sighed, who the fuck could possibly want to discuss school when I could be home right now?

"Hello," I started, whipping the door open. "I don-"

"Mr. Mahone. Or is there something else that Madison calls you?" Alex cut me off, boldly getting in my space.

"Okay, number one, get the fuck out of my face." I stated through gritted teeth. "And number two, what the hell are you talking about?"

"Oh, don't play stupid with me. It doesn't take someone with a brain to figure out theres something going on between you two."

I grabbed his shoulders to yank him inside the classroom and closed the door. I chuckled falsely, "And what the hell makes you believe that?"

"I just fucking know, that something is not right here!" He yelled.

"I wonder, does your ass ever get jealous of the amount of shit that comes out of your mouth?"

"I should be asking you that, aren't you the one who picked Madison up from the club Friday night?" He deadpanned, and I mentally cursed.

"Who put that idea into your small size of a brai-"

"I mean, how could you not remember? That dress on her, damn..." He trailed off, biting his lip. I clenched my jaw and balled my fists out of pure anger, ready to knock the shit out of him.

He chuckled, "You seem mad, is that because I'm talking about your girl?"

"She's not my girl." I shook my head, the lie darting past my lips.

"Oh yeah?!" He yelled. "Prove it. Prove me wrong and tell me you don't give a single care about Madison Santori."

I cursed quietly to myself, walking over to him and grabbing him by the collar. "I can't fucking do that."




holy shit,
shit about to go downnnnn
i had such bad writers block but here's the update, hope ya liked it :-)

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