The stadium was electric, despite the conditions. The fans were loud and had been all game, enthusiastically cheering on the Avalanche while also booing the Dash respectfully.

But now, with Lisa high-pressing the Dash backline with Celia and Wendy's help, the fans came alive with a chant everyone in the stadium was very familiar with. A chant that had the bundled-up owner in her box jumping in on.

"I'm running to you, baby! You are the only one who saves me! That's why I've been missing you lately! 'Cause you make it real for me!" the fans cheered, encouraging Lisa to keep sprinting and putting pressure on the defense.

The chant added fuel to the fire and helped Lisa get just enough of a touch on a lackadaisical pass from the center back toward the center midfielder. The intercepted pass landed right at Abby's feet, who drove right at the defense.

Lisa curled her run in behind the center back, receiving Abby's slotted pass between the backs easily.

She could see the Dash goalkeeper charging off her line and knew she had a split second to redirect the pass into the back of the net before the keeper would be able to get a touch. So, she flicked the ball up into the air, chipping the goalkeeper.

She didn't have time to watch the ball hit the back of the net, because before she knew it, she hadn't jumped high enough to clear the sliding goalkeeper.

Lisa's cleat clipped the goalkeeper's shoulder, causing her to twist in the air. She tried to catch herself with her right foot, but the force of her landing sent a sharp pain through her knee. She landed in the grass, her nose taking most of the force since her hands were too slow to catch herself. She didn't cry out or scream. She just grimaced against the ground, feeling an ache start to form in her knee, sharp pains appearing every few seconds, getting worse as her adrenaline started to slow down.

James Morrison echoed through the stadium, deafening cheers mixing in with the goal song as the Avalanche fans cheered.

But Jennie hadn't even gotten to the point of cheering. She'd been on her feet the moment she saw Lisa trip over the goalkeeper, and she stayed standing, gripping tightly to the railing as she watched Lisa stay down.

"Get up, get up," Jennie whispered under her breath, quietly begging Lisa to be okay.

No matter how many times she repeated those words and sent up silent prayers, Lisa didn't get up.

The player rolled over in the box, groaning when she felt wet liquid slide from her nose across her cheek and toward her ear. She lifted a hand up to her face, pulled it away, and looked at the blood that was obviously gushing down her face.

"Hey, Celia," Lisa called out, pushing herself up a little more.

"You're good, stay there," Celia said, holding Lisa by the shoulder and encouraging her to lay back down.

"I think I should be subbed," Lisa mumbled, cringing when she looked down and saw bloodstains now on her jersey.

"Yeah, the trainer's coming out now to get you taken off," Celia replied, her brows creased with worry.

"I don't want to be carried off. I'm good," Lisa argued, putting her left foot a little more firmly under her.

"Lisa, stop," Wendy said firmly as she arrived and crouched down, not letting Lisa try something stupid like standing up on one leg. "Let the trainer check you out, dude."

"It didn't even pop," Lisa grumbled, feeling more sharp pain move through her knee.

"That's a good thing. It's gonna be fine, even if your face looks a little fucked right now," Wendy said with a tight smile. "You're gonna be fine."

this daydream is dangerous | JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now