You Hurting, Hurts Me - K. MJ x Reader

Start from the beginning

It wasn't that I didn't want to talk to Minji or anyone else.... it's that I was scared.

When you're hurting... you unconsciously hurt the people around you.... and sometimes when you speak about your pain.... it hurts them too.

I had learned to just be quiet instead.

In my eyes, I could behave as recklessly and as suicidal as I wanted... as long as no one knew. As long as I was alone... no one would get hurt because I was hurting.

I was about to skip classes and leave campus when I got my wrist caught in someone's hand.

"You're not going home to drink, are you?" The President asked as she stopped me in my tracks.

"What do you care?" I angrily asked.

"You gotta stop. All you're doing is hurting yourself," Minji answered with her eyebrows knitted together.

I snatched my wrist from her and just ignored her.

I walked out of campus and headed home.

Just when I got home, I found Minji at my front gate.

"Leave," I told her as I walked around her to get into my house.

Minji just ignored me and walked in behind me.

"Woooahh, I didn't invite you in!" I angrily said, trying to stop Minji from coming into my house.

"Shut up!" She angrily responded and pushed me out of the way to sit on the sofa.

I sighed and grabbed a beer from the fridge.

"What the hell are you doing here anyway?" I angrily asked as I downed my beer.

"If you don't talk to me now, then maybe you'll talk to me once you're pissed drunk," Minji coldly responded.

I shook my head in annoyance and grabbed another beer.

Now that Minji had spoken her intentions... I made sure to keep my mouth shut...

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her," I kept thinking.

A few hours passed and I was 2 soju bottles and 12 beers into my drunkness.

My senses had gotten lost a long time ago.... but I kept as quiet as I could.

"Why won't you talk to me? Or to someone? Anyone? You're not going to get better or feel better by just isolating yourself and drinking," Minji started to scold me like she had been doing all year.

I sighed and unconsciously started to reply.

"See, I seem to remember that last time I told someone how I felt .... they abandoned me...," I spoke the drunk truth.

"I didn't abandon you," Minji whispered.

"You just wouldn't talk to me," She added.

"And what is it that you want me to talk to you about?!" I started to raise my voice at her.

"Anything!" Minji yelled back.

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