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The following days porsche makes sure to distance himself as much as from kinn. He wakeup Early and leave the room before kinn awake and he come to room only after kinn sleep. On the other hand kinn doesn't even care about porsche's existence. He is happy the way things are going.

But it worried the family members. They can see the rift between the couple. They know it's their mistake. So to make them close they decided to do something.

Kinn's Pov

I was happy that at least he is keeping his distance from me. But I can see that he is so much involved with my family. He is the one who taking care of my grandmother's all needs. He sometimes helps my mother in kitchen with other maids. Sometimes he help's my sister with her homework, sometimes he play with her. And he always wear a smile on his face. But I don't know why sometimes I feels like he is hiding his pain behind that smile. Arrggh.... there I go again😤... thinking about him. Sometimes I forget all these are his acting.

I was going to meet some officials outside our pack when my mother and grandmother stopped me.
"Kinn we have something to discuss with you" my mother said.
From their look I know it's something related to that Omega

"Not now mom, I have some important meeting with officials.after coming back I will talk to you " I said to them

"I Cancelled the meeting, they will come tomorrow " my grandmother said

After hearing this am really pissed off but I can't go against them.
So I seated on the sofa and they seated opposite to me

"Kinn we meet our packs Elders, they said day after tomorrow is the best day for your mating. So we decided to do your mating ceremony on that day" my grandmother said.

"What I can't, I don't want to do that with him.I hate him" I shouted in my mind.but I can't say aloud. They are believing that I accepted that I don't want to break their heart. Actually I want themselves to throw him out of our life.
So I heard silently what they were saying. And I am damn sure it's he who directly or indirectly put this mating idea on them.

So I nodded my head to whatever they are saying.

No one's Pov

The following days the whole family arranged everything for the ceremony. Their is blessing prayer in front of moon goddess in the evening. After that at midnight the couple can mate.

The fact is that porsche doesn't know about it and kinn is trying to escape from this.

Finally the D-day came.

All the family members are very busy doing everything for the evening ritual. Porsche was confused he even asked to kinn's sister. But she said that it's a surprise.

Kinn was frustrated, he can't do anything other than accepting.

At evening the luna and grat luna gives porsche some ornaments and traditional dress and asked him to wear them.he was confused but still wear it. After that they take him to the moon goddess temple. When they come all the family members including kinn was presented their. Kinn is also wearing some traditional dress.

Then the priest invited porsche to stand beside kinn and started to do ritual, Then only porsche comes to know that it's the blessing ceremony before the mating. His face became pale. He looked at kinn and at the same time kinn looked at him. From the look of kinn, porsche can say that if kinn got a chance now he will kill him on that spot. Kinn's face is red with anger and his eyes are cold . Porsche don't know what to do. So he do what the priest said.after one hour the rituals are over.

When they reached home they take porsche to another room saying they will decorates the room for the mating.

Kinn decided to go out but grandmother stopped him.but he said that he will come before midnight and do the mating.

After sometimes they take porsche to their room and settled him on the bed. They said him to wait for kinn, who will come soon.

After they all went out porsche moved out of the bed and lied on the couch. He know that kinn is not gonna come.If he come it will to scold him.

He lied at the couch and stared the roof and slowly started to fall Asleep.

Sorry for the typing and grammatical mistakes 🙏

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