Sans Undertale Kicks My Ass

Start from the beginning

The left cheek and eye, which had been numb before, were beginning to burn now that the swelling was stretching my skin and putting an agonizing pressure on my face, adding to my already aching head. My left eye was almost entirely shut and with my good eye, I could make out that my knuckles were bleeding. I could feel the wound on the back of my head making a sticky clump of blood and hair on the back of my head.

I felt the arms pinning my own disappear for a second before they came back to one of my upper arms. Then, another pair of hands of bony hands grabbed my other arm. The sailors lifted my upper body off the cold, metal floor and began dragging me out of the closet.

I panicked, not having considered that they might not want to kill me immediately. I flounded my feet against the ground in an attempt to regain my footing before realizing that it was useless.

Now that I was completely incapacitated, I finally had some time to assess my surroundings and think as the pair dragged me through the steel halls. I found that there were more ghostly soldiers in the halls, going about various tasks or hurrying by us with purpose. Other than that, the only noteworthy detail was the distant commotion that could be heard on decks above, and after a while, I realized that it was getting louder.

It seemed like the ghost-dudes were part of the crew, which meant one of two things: either Clarisse's ship had been taken over by ghost-zombie-skeleton pirates dressed like old-timey American soldiers, or these things were working with Clarisse. I didn't know which scenario was more unbelievable.

Finally, the commotion was no longer distant. We passed through a hatch and the blue and white was visible and the air was noticeably fresher. I took a few breaths and the intense headache and nausea eased just a bit.

I looked up, trying to get a proper look at my surroundings, but instead, I hissed in pain as the sunlight suddenly bore into my unprepared eyes. The deck was bustling with more ghostly soldiers as a familiar, husky voice yelled orders.

One of the soldiers yelled. "They're too close, m'lady!"

"Damn the heroes! Full steam ahead!" The commanding voice yelled from the bow. I looked up again, squinting to see the back of a tall figure in Greek battle armor.

"Aye, m'lady," responded the soldier, who I noticed was wearing a different uniform than the others.

"Lady Clarisse!" The man holding my left arm yelled.

"Fire at will, Captain!" Clarisse commanded, giving no sign that she'd heard the ghost calling for her attention.

The Captain gave a curt nod, moving over to a cannon on the side of the ship and taking aim at an enemy out of my view. A voice on the shore yelled something about dirt before the Captain fired the cannon. With small a flash, the ship shook in the water and every other noise was overpowered by the force of the explosion. A cloud of dirt and some green gooey stuff burst high enough into the air for me to see but most of my view was blocked by the smoke.

Clarisse strode to a spot next to the Captain and looked over the side of the ship.

"Losers," she sneered at whoever was on the shore. "But I suppose I have to rescue you. Come aboard."

"Lady Clarisse?" The soldier to my left called again.

"What?" Clarisse called over her shoulder, eyes still trained on the "losers."

The soldier opened his mouth but I cut in.

"Hey there Classy," I slurred around my swollen lip. "Who's that down there?"

Clarisse's head whipped around so fast it looked painful. Her icy glare met my eyes and I tensed a little.

"What are you doing here?!" Clarisse blustered.

Red Skies at Morning | Clarisse La Rue x OC | Percy Jackson AUWhere stories live. Discover now