"Alex." The barista announced as she stepped up to grab her tea.

Turning around, she notice the man whipping his head in another direction, as if he was caught. Alex pretended not to notice as she took a seat at the table by the fire. Sipping her tea. He knew of her existence now, meaning she had to be extra careful. 

Inspecting his side profile, she noticed his godlike sculpted jawline and some dark curls peeping under his hat. He wore a army green jacket with a gray shirt underneath and black jeans. The next noticeable feature, after he took a sip, was his slightly crooked nose. Finding mesmerizing brown eyes right below his almost black brows.

From the pictures from her file, this man matched.

She had finally found Marc Spector.

Alexa remained in her seat for about 15 minutes reading the story of a girl with long hair, stuck in a tower. Waiting to escape the wicked hags clutches. She was at the part where the girl meets her lost love who ends up being a prince. 

A loud scratching from a chair sliding across the floor, peaked her attention, yet careful not to react. Looking over with a side eye, watching Marc get up to leave the café. Taking that as her cue, Alex drank the last inch of her tea. She read the part when Rapunzel took the chance to leave the tower as she waited a few moments before getting up herself. Alex returned the book were she found it as she got up, tossing her cup and covered her head with the hood of the jacket. She walked out and followed Spector's route.

The crescent moon had begun to take it's place in the sky as there was a sliver of sun left. The sky phasing into an ombre of magenta to a purplish-blue. She found Spector at the end of the block, keeping a fair distance. He then turned a corner. After a few steps, so did Alex.

Turning into empty alley way, with no trace of Marc. It stumped her and now she knew something was wrong. She glanced all around her, hoping she didn't loose her chance. Whipping out her gun as she stood her ground.

Running footsteps behind her, cause her to turn around. But not fast enough as she was grabbed by two hands that made her flung her weapon out of her hands. Trying to tackle her to the ground but she latched her legs around his waist, pulling him down instead. Back on her feet, Alex took off her jacket as as her opponent got back on his feet.

Marc Spector in the flesh, posing in a fighting stance. His hat had disappear, allowing her to see his loose curls. A few steps forward as he launched to kick Alex. She grabbed it and on swift motion, spun the leg as he met the ground. He didn't hesitate but to swung his leg to knock her off her feet. Landing right beside him. He got on his knees and reached for her gun, but she kicked it away. A little too much as it got stuck underneath the dumpster.

She charged ahead and punched him in the face. He grabbed her arm before she could repeat, forcing her to fall on her back. He got up to placed his knee on her right arm to keep her from getting up, but Alex struck her legs out, causing him to stumble back to the other wall. She pulled out her baton with a swipe. Lunging herself at him once again as he weaved away before being hit. He jumped up on top of the right lid of the dumpster and began to scale up the side the building with barely any effort.

Alex took that as her chance to retrieve her gun. She ran out of the alley and chased him from the low ground as he leaped across roof to roof. She took a few shots, not giving attention to the fellow travelers of the night. Passing several stores and restaurants. Finding an outdoor dinning and taking the advantage to jump onto a table and launch her grappling hook to the top of the building. Shooting up and tumbling onto the flat concrete roof.

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