Constant Reminders

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Screaming, crying, and waking up in a puddle of sweat is pretty much all Esmeralda knew, the games destroyed her and everything she had left. It's been 8 years since her games but no time will ever heal the scares that were left.

In her house in the Victors Village, she lives alone, which she always tries to see the bright side to: no one she cares about can hear her scream.

"No, please I don't want to do this" Esmeralda told two young boys one from District 1 and the other from 2.

"Well we are going to whether you like it or not" the boy from 1 said.

"It's just us three, then one of us can claim the title of victor" the boy from 2 said.

Facing the Careers was not something Esmeralda ever wanted to do. She knew how trained they were but she knew she can't hold her on. She just didn't know for how long.

With her last two knifes she was ready, she just didn't want to become something that she feared, a pawn in the Capitol's game.

With the boy from 1 having a sword and the boy from 2 with nothing but his bare hands to fight, she was ready.

She knew how to hunt animals because of her father and mother, they would go out together to find dinner. But this...this was nowhere near the same thing.

The Careers ran from both angles, the boy from 2 leaped at her punching her in the face causing her to drop one of the knifes, she got up quickly knowing that this wasn't the way she was going to go down. The boy from 1 came at her with the sword but she quickly moved out of the way, pushing him straight into the boy from 2 causing him to fall straight to the floor, with the sword sticking out of him. With the boy from 1 distracted she threw the knife straight into his back and watched him fall. She never looked at either one of them, she couldn't.

"I'm so sorry" she whispered to them.

Esmeralda never wanted to be in the games, she never wanted to kill, she never wanted to be someone the Capitol was rooting for. Before they announced that she was now the Victor of the 66th Hunger Games, the Capitol was angry with her, so they flipped both boys over so she could see their faces.

This is why the screams come out because 8 years ago, a 15 year old Esmeralda had to do what she could to survive just to come home and find that everything she was promised if she were to return would be there was gone: her family.

Esmeralda now is a mentor and has been a mentor, along side Haymitch Abernathy, for 8 years. She can't keep watching these kids go into the arena and not come out. She can't keep watching family loose someone that young for the Capital's enjoyment, it makes her sick physically and mentally.

This morning with the same faces popping out in her dreams, Esmeralda woke up screaming and crying. The dreams get bad getting closer to reaping day, which happens to be today. A day that Esmeralda has been dreading.

Esmeralda got slightly ready, knowing that what she did was not going to matter soon because Effie was coming to make sure she looked "camera ready." Being Effie's first and only Victor she wants everyone to know Esmeralda's name. Esmeralda walked over to Haymitch's house to wake him up, which she found him on the couch almost falling off. He might be a drunk but he actually cares for the girl.

"Haymitch...haymitch...HAYMITCH" she yelled loudly in his ear.

"OKAY, I heard you the first time sweetheart I just didn't want to get up." He says sarcastically.

"Well sorry sweetheart but you have to get ready, today's the day, again"

"No but isn't that why we are mentors to mark sure we never become okay."

"Exactly, another reason to just love the games" he once again said sarcastically.

"Get ready"

"No promises"

"At least look presentable"

"Fine I'll wear matching shoes" he said making her half smile, which is something that only happens on a rarity.

About 15 minutes after walking back into her house, Effie walks into her house.

"Oh my goodness my darling, it feels like it's been too long since I've seen you" Effie says walking over to her giving her a hug.

"Yes it has" Esmeralda says knowing that she saw Effie two weeks ago.

"Okay let's get you ready"

"But where's Cinna?" Esmeralda asked.

"Don't worry, my Flame, I'm right here." Cinna enter the house.

She walked over to him and hugged him.

"I don't know how I could do this without you" she said with a shaky voice.

"Good thing you don't have to" he placed his hands on the side of her face.

"Let's ge started" Cinna said to everyone.

They dressed her in nothing to extravagant it was a simple dark cargo pants and a light brown shirt. She never really had interest in braids after her mom was gone, so Cinna would always find something simple to do with her hair, which today was a ponytail.

Usually Effie, the stylist, and Cinna help Esmeralda get ready for Capitol events, but after she won her games she could even get out of bed sometimes, we'll most of the time. So when she was doing her Victors tour Effie and Cinna both agreed to help her with whatever she needed, even something as small it was like getting ready for today.

Cinna gave her one last hug before he left, and Effie told her that she would see her outside. The stylist left with Cinna telling her that they would see her soon, making her wince knowing that she has to help two new tributes.

Haymitch snd Esmeralda walked out and walked to the Justice Building, where they both sat behind the large glass bowls that had way to many names. They watched as the kids started filing in, she started to panic but knew everyone was watching so she slowed her breathe down and masked her face to nothing but a straight face.

Once everyone was in the spot they needed to be: younger kids in the front, teens in the middle, and parents watching from right behind them;All separated by female and male, Effie started to talk letting them know that the video from the Capitol was about to play.

That video is something Esmeralda has chosen to zone out, she doesn't need the reminder of what the games are, she doesn't need the reminder that the games made her into something she is not.

"Okay now time for the female tribute," Effie walked over to the large bowl in front of Esmeralda, and picked a small slip of white paper.

"Primrose Everdeen" Effie said loud and clear when she got back to the microphone.

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