'Guess you didn't cheat....'

Peppa and Wenis are face to face...billions of centimeters apart...so close that the ground is as fluffy as a toe nail hair on the side walk when it gets run over by a wet bike.

'... Guess you didn't cheat....' they repeat once more, as the drums start to kick in... the drums rumble.. RUMBLE.... RUMBLLEEEE AND SO DOES THE GROUND...

Mr. COokie absolutely horrendously screams "BRACE YOURSELF BOYS!!!!!"


The wind blasts to the ground all at once! Like a hurricane in a storm in the summer of mickey's eve. The waves crash as the wind swirls and swirls. The wind blows so dramatically and HARD that it flat out SNATCHES Peppa's rectum hairs out.

'AAAAA AAAA AAAA!!!!!!!!'  the fish sing in Christmas choir.

About 7:23 on a thursday afternoon to a 6:05 on a Wednesday morning go by. The song finally stops. The wind stops. Even Peppa's sharting stops. It's quiet. Silent in fact. Sister silent.

Finally... WIlly speaks up to break the silence:


Wenis PoV

"WOOOOW THIS IS A STRONG MESSAGE!" Lorax yelled after Willy's inspiring and prudent words. I can't help but keep glancing back at willy and the boys for a thumbs up or something as I'm about to speak to peppa but all they give me is a big pinky finger and a spank on Gru the Puu's butt.

We locked eyes. Me and onceler. But I quickly glanced at peppa. I gander back at Onceler.... Dayum he's gayer than the toilet paper roll I had to use my butt because I was out of toilet paper... hes even gayer than that part of the shower curtains that will never be the same. I gagged at him and looked back at peppa.

"Pepp..." I sharted but what cut of by piggy pissing.

"Now before you think you can just come here with all of your wenis pinching triumph and your 'oh rEally' type of mental state. Ha ha ha... oh wenis you silly little itchy slipper, itchier than the left over poo in my crack... you make me... you make me flabbergasted beyond the pink haze. How dare you come and try and win back my prized wenis!?!" Peppa looked at me like a sad meadow muffin in a field full of cattle.
"bruh we're literally married" I pattycake my gems.
"Fvheivhuerhuwehjf so who cares!?!? I am in love with oncey and we were having a special moment and you had to come here and come and mess it up!!! I am sister sullen! You think you can just buy the wrong pringles and your lack of attention when I need you most.... Wenis." She raps as a single double sided tape comes loose from her butt and releases itching anus cream droplets.

Onceler POV
"Oh really?" Peppa knocks wenis out cold.

I look at wenis and laugh. I laugh a quite silver smooth pickley laugh. I nudge his little small wenis with the tip of my knee high heeled boot. His wenis flowed in the wind. A bird pooped on his little dark spot under his armpit. Refreshing!

"Peppa what is he here for?" i ask peppa in real piggy wenis question.

"I think he wants my marvelous and pink rose with a hint of pinky toe smelling wenis... oncey you gotta stop him, youve just gotta!" she looked at me with mucusy tears in her eyes.

"Of course anything for you my little bacon." I looked at her with great greatness in my eyes.
I had the perfect idea of how i can settle this war over peppa with wenis like real, tidy men who wear their underwear the right way.... We shall have a duel!

*71 minutes later*

Peppa POV

Wenis finally wakes up

"Hes awake!" lorax yells at us, as hes been closely watching wenis for him to awake.
"Whawhahwah where I am? hey ... wait a sexy second... this isn't the burger king!" wenis just wenised.

Oncler came out of the shadows
"Wenis I challenge you to a manly duel.... Whoever wins gets to take the wenis of this lovely little bacon." Onceler asserts.

Wow hes so dominance i oo and aaa over him.

*talking like a drunk* "a pool? Oh ho I can't swim! You silly onceybear you're so silly!" wenis giggles and burps.

"NO! A duel... you nitwit" onceler scoffs.

"Oh OhH I see I seee.... Let me put on my fightin gear and we can smack some ass, what do you say?" Wenis chuckle.

No one pov
*Final countdown starts playing*

Wenis zips up his elmo socks and, slips up his limited edition shopping cart ring, and puts on his flaming hot periwinkle with a splash of urine yellow bikini top. He does his most 'oh reallyest' of poses.

Onceler pulls off his green sparkly spandex *snap*
Tightens his gloves and pulls up his pink leather boots.
He throws his ax over his shoulder and the wind ever so smoothly flows through his hair.

"Ok ok here are the rules.... Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night, whew been there done that, number 2 If you sprinkle when you tinkle be a sweetie and wipe the seatie, and finally, GO HAM!" lorax declares.

Peppa POV
As I was watching the mad men run towards each other in slow motion I see a lice jump out of onceler's hair!?! And i see skid marks on his sparkly spandex.
"Aeh ah this can't be." I say in confused black man.

"STOOOO!!!!" i screm.
Everyone looks at me.

"I have an announcement! Onceler has lice! AND to make matters worse... he doesnt wipe!!! At least wenis puts cheetos up his butt!!!" I lock eyes with wenis.

We make our way down into the ocean.
"Wenis...Onceler might have some finger plucking skills, but you have flucker plucker skins.."

Willy randomly screams "LONG HARD MEANS LARD" again.

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