"If you've got something going on, I won't pry." You insist. "I just wanted to know that you're okay.... I guess I'm taking it too personal, thinking I did something to warrant that."

"What?" He asks with a slightly higher pitch, almost offended. "Baby, no. You've done nothing."

Although his words confirm it, you still feel uneasy that he hasn't been connecting.
He doesn't offer much explanation further, except for mentioning that he needs to go shower and brings you along.

Lunch is soon, and you both find the kids sitting around the hut with Tsireya, Aonung, Roxto; and the new baby joining.

"Hello Mrs.Sully!" Tsireyas ever so kind to greet as you walk in first, holding her baby brother so tightly in her arms.

"Hey kids." You come in to sit beside her as everyone's already passing lunch portions around.

They sure brought in a larger net of fish and vegetables, more than enough for the large crowd forming in the pod.

"I hope you don't mind that I brought him, mother wanted a break for a while."

"Oh, no, not at all." You lean over and look at his little face, seeing his wide smile grow as he's playing with Tsireyas hair. "—He's always welcome. Does he need anything?"

"He's okay for now, I'm trying to get him to go to sleep."
He looks awfully comfortable in the little netted sling she has across her chest, holding him so securely.
"Seems he's too excited about everything at the moment, though."

"He's sure going to be a social one." Lo'ak comments as he reaches out to stroke the back of the boys head so gently.
It warms your heart, seeing him show affection like he did with Tuk.

"Just wait until he learns to walk." Jake comments. "If he's as bad as Tuk was, you may have to leash him."

"I was not that bad!" Tuk tries to protest, despite the way her siblings all stare at her deniably.
"Guys, come on, I was not!"

"Oh yes you were." Jake insists. "I'd turn around, and unlike your siblings who stayed by me, you were feet out from me in seconds."

"It's not a worry with him." Aonung laughs. "He can not outrun me. I'll keep him in line."  And it's so cute the way he leans the distance over, and pats Tsireya on the head. "-I sure did with this one."

She only scoffs as he embarrasses her in front of Lo'ak.
"I was well behaved, mind you."

"Not at first." He shrugs with a grin. "Who do you think is the reason you're so responsible now?"

"Not you." She shoots back. "You're such an ass when it comes to other people as it is, you only annoyed me into having to correct your manners."

You have to try not to chuckle at the way the others all sound out in unison, laughing at the way she's put her older brother in his place.

Lo'ak has widest tight-lip grin you've ever seen, more than excepting of her defending what he used to go through because of Aonungs messed up ego.

As you look around the room when bowls and food are passed around, it does bring a warmth to your heart you thought you'd never feel after Niikeym passed.

Something about having the building crowd in the family helps heal the sore spot a bit, even if it's just while they're here.

It's a beautiful circle of kids, of life, of love.

Jake is next to Tuk and Kiri, with Da'mik and Spider sitting side by side as they sneak bites under their mask between breaths.
  As well as Rotxo beside Da'mik, with Aonung sitting next to Lo'ak... who's sitting beside Tsireya as you sit between her and Jake.

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