Chapter One: Gas

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S/N = Son Name

Yeat sat in the drivers seat of his Porsche Cayene, next to his girl, Symone Ryley. Ever since Yeats music career had token off, Yeat had been traveling all around the US to have concerts and meet fans, but there was something else on Yeat's mind...

He'll be fine... I don't need to worry at all..

Yeat's son, (S/N) had been in the back of Yeat's mind ever since he left him. Yeat made the excuse that he was "Going to get some milk real quick" and that he'd, "Be right back" but that was far from the truth since he'd been gone for 7 months now. Yeat tensed up. "What's wrong baby?" Symone asked him. "Nothing." Yeat mumbled, his expression instantly changing as his grip loosened from the steering wheel.

About 30 minutes later they pulled up to a gas station. Yeat slid out of the car and told Symone: "I'll be right back." He slowly walked towards the gas station building until he was a few inches away from it. Yeat opened the door, causing the bell attached to it to make a ringing sound. He smirked (YEAT REFFERENCE 🤯).
Yeat traversed the aisles staring up and down the shelves until his eyes landed on a bag of cheeto puffs.

This should be good enough

Yeat grabbed a bev (whatever you wanna imagine it to be) and went up to the cash register

Damn, this gas station is mad empty...

After paying Yeat walked outside of the store. He took a few steps and then froze. A chill crawled up his spine...
There was a short figure in the distance slowly shifting straight towards him. As it got closer, it's looks became more detailed.

What the FUCK is that??!!

This wasn't a human. It was some sort of demon. It had massive red horns sprouting from its head. The creature had brown messy hair and bloodshot red eyes. Upon closer examination, it kind of looked like a human child mixed with a demon. It dragged a long pointed tail that left behind particles of red dust. It was fairly skinny and it's skin was very shriveled up, almost as if it hadn't eaten in a very, very long time. The creature approached closer and closer to Yeat. "S-Stay away from me DEMON!!" Yeat yelled. "Come back dad... come back to me father.. I miss you." the demon muttered. Yeat dug his hands into his pockets but couldn't find a single weapon to defend himself in this extreme situation.

I.. I must be dreaming

Yeat blinked once and blinked twice but the creature would not disappear. It was now inches away from him and started hissing loudly, like a snake. Yeat made a run for it into the convenience store. Slamming his hands onto the metal bar that read: "PUSH" on the door. he opened the door and leaped in. Yeat then slammed right onto the ground, but quickly stood back up and turned around. The creature was gone. Yeat let out a sigh of relief.

Must have just been my imagination.

He walked back out of the store and hopped into his car. "What took you so long?" Symone asked. "It was nothing." Yeat replied.

that's it for now ☠️

that's it for now ☠️

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Yeat's adventure to retrieve the milkWhere stories live. Discover now