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fairfax iron

"So, your big radical plan is a job at Fairfax hero for work we can't legally do?" George questioned.

I looked up to Lockwood with a small cocky grin, he rolled his eyes, his grip on my waist tightening, making me let go of a breathless gasp.

"George, this negativity, it's why I don't tell you things in advance." Lockwood hummed, his eyes flickering to Lucy, who had just taken the newspaper from his grasp.

"Agents required for unusual supernatural investigation." Lucy read. "Money commensurate with danger." The girl turned to look at me with a inquisitive look. "I'm guessing that means a lot of danger, right?"

Lockwood's fingers began to dance up and down my hip, my fingers fiddled with the end of his tie. His eyes narrowed in on me, both of us ignoring George's comment about the job been enough to pay off our debts.

The lift doors opened, making me turn to face the people walking in, but before I got a chance to look, Lockwood's hand gripped the back of my head, his grip on my waist tightening as he pulled me into his chest.

"When we get up there, we need to be at our absolute best." Lockwood announced. "Totally professional. So, I'll do the talking."

"Ahh, Mr Lockwood, how are you?" My eyes widened at the familiar voice of my father. Slowly, I pulled my self to look at the older man. "Leighton."

"Hi dad." I tried to smile, but I could already feel my hands shaking.

The disapproving look that was written all over his face was something I had seen many times in my life. I glance over to my sister, who was stood beside him, I offered her a small wave, only for her to turn in response.

"How are you? Mum?" I asked, taking a step away from Lockwood, pushing my hands into my pockets.

I could feel Lockwood's concerned eyes on me. I wanted to reach out and hold his hand in order to comfort myself and him at this moment in time. We both knew that I distanced when I saw my family. I'm sure he was just as scared as I was that this was the end for us again.

"Fine." David, my dad responded. His tone was cold and harsh, but it was what I was used too.

"And Sammy?" I smiled softly at the memory of the curly haired brunette boy.

Both my siblings were older than me. Being the youngest was certainly harder than I thought, especially since I didn't think there would be any pressure on me to achieve since Sammy and Darcy had done so well for themselves, working for Fittes and all. But no, my parents expected me to do that and more.

"Doing well for himself, unlike others." I nodded, Sammy had been in the paper two weeks ago, he had just got a promotion and it the back of the photo was my mum, Elsie, with a huge smile on her face.

The lift doors opened, and everyone filed out one by one, including my dad and sister. I turned to look at Lockwood with an apologetic smile.

"Don't go." Lockwood pleaded. His eyes were soft and desperate, his hand extended, waiting for me to grab it and stay with him.

But we both knew that I couldn't.

"I'm sorry." I quickly ran out of the lift. My head snapped left, then right, then left again trying to find them. They couldn't have got far.

In the corner of my eye, I saw the blonde hair of my older sister. I quickly ran up to them.

"Dad! Darcy!" I shouted, pushing past others to get to them. "It's not what it looks like I-"

"You know the rules, Leighton." David span on his heel to shout at me. Darcy stood their with crossed arms and a disappointed look. "You will ruin him if you stay."

I shook my head. Lockwood didn't say that. In fact, Lockwood said the opposite. He said it would kill him if I didn't stay. Anxiously, I begin to bite by bottom lip, waiting for my dad to continue.

"I don't get why you keep going back." Darcy spoke up. "He was doing better without you. Even got himself a new listener now."


"You listen, Leighton, and you listen well." My dad gripped my bicep tightly, making me hiss in pain. "You leave. You leave him. You go back home. Or they'll be consequences."

I wanted to tell him that since he and mum left London, I didn't have a home anymore. Someone new moved in since I couldn't afford to keep paying the bills. But I'd be lying because that house never felt like a home.

"Dad." I wanted to beg him to let me stay.

"Don't make me call your mother and let her know what you've been up to." He scoffed. "Why can't you be more like Darcy or Samuel?"

I shrugged, wishing that I could be more like them too. Because maybe then my parents would care about me and if I was safe. Both of them moved out of London and left me here without another thought.

"I'm sorry, I'll go back home." I whispered.

David nodded, a smile forming on his face. He leant down and pressed a gentle kiss against my temple. He pulled away and straightened out his suit.

"Give your sister a hug, Darcy." He ordered, causing Darcy to roll her eyes but still give me a small side hug. It was cold and certainly unwanted on her behalf.

"See you soon." I whispered, knowing that if I hadn't accidentally bumped into them in the lift, then they wouldn't have told me that they were in London at all.

"Bye, Leighton." David offered me a small wave. "And remember to stay away from that boy."

I nodded, watching as they both walked away from me. Once they were out of sight, I walked over to the lift, clicking the buttons to open the doors before stepping in and clicking floor twenty.

Like hell was I going to stay away from Anthony Lockwood.

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