Chapter Thirty-One

Start from the beginning

"Drinks are over there and dinner will be in an hour. My parents are coming so you have to be on your best behaviour."

The last part seemed more like a warning. Korn didn't know where he was coming from until Knock re-joined them after disappearing for a moment and handed Korn his favourite beer. He accepted gratefully and would have downed it all at once if Cho hadn't given him a reproving glance.

"What's that about?" He asked Knock.

"There was a bit of trouble during the bachelor party. His parents were called in to arbitrate and they've been giving him an earful since," Knock explained with a laugh.

"Best behaviour it is then," Korn agreed as he raised his drink to Cho.

A long table, with enough space for everyone to sit, dominated the room. But they were all sitting or standing towards one side. It was inevitable that the conversation would turn to sex and women. He had nothing against either topic, he just didn't have much to contribute in the current context. Korn excused himself and went in search of a trashcan for his empty beer can and the men's room for a moment of peace.

Heading back into the room, he was glad to see Cho's parents chatting with the guys. The thought hit him like a brick. He should have invited Mew to come along. He planned to show the other man what he meant to him yet he was failing at his plan.

But this night was about Cho and his family. Korn was sure Yihwa was having just as much fun with the ladies and her parents. But, if he was honest, Korn would have preferred to hang out with the ladies instead.

"Where are you staying?" Someone asked him when they were finally seated for dinner.

"With a friend," Korn answered noncommittally.

"There's room in the hotel if you want to stay here," Cho told him and a few of the guys nodded like they already had this information.

"I'm good."

It would have been easy to dismiss everyone's concern if Cho hadn't given him a knowing smirk and a wink. Of course, he knew that Korn was staying with Mew but he didn't think the rest did.

"Life has changed, hasn't it? We were all such green students once. Now everyone is in a relationship or getting married, who knows what's next?" Cho asked nobody in particular but Korn could feel the dig at him.

He didn't dare to comment but he could feel eyes on him. He looked up just in time to see Knock's surprised look and Cho's self-satisfied grin. It was as though he'd made a point of putting Korn on the spot. Someone else caught on to the vibe and made an impromptu toast of, "I'll drink to that."

With a wink at Korn, he knew he'd be fielding a few questions later. For the first time in a long time, he didn't feel the overwhelming sense of dread that had come over him whenever he thought of his relationship with Mew. Perhaps the wave of sentimentality had finally taken over his mind because he texted Mew.

He was being slightly antisocial but he missed him and would have loved it if he was there. Korn thought about it for a second then sent that exact sentiment to Mew.

<You're supposed to be paying attention to the party.> Mew texted back.

Korn was rather pleased with himself for getting such a response. Mew didn't know what to say so he said what he thought he should. Had he always given himself away so easily?

<Maybe you should come over.>

"<Are you forgetting that it's still a work day for most people, including me?>

<Are you still at work?>

<Just packing up.> Mew answered. <I just have to navigate Friday evening traffic and all the revellers.>

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