iii. the invitation

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iii. the invitation

The next morning, I woke up being strangled by Kylie's arm as she slept. Grunting, I pried her arm off my neck and turned over. Smiling sleepily, I cuddled back into my pillow, the sounds of Mama speaking loudly downstairs, passing over my head.

On the verge of falling back into my deep slumber, the sounds of Kylie shuffling around caught my attention, "What time is it?" She croaked, mid-yawn. Kissing my teeth, I slapped my palm over my phone, grabbing it in my hands.

Eyes opening, I winced at the brightness of the screen. "Uhm, it's only 3—wait! THREE?" Shooting up my bed, I blinked, "Damn. We really shouldn't have stayed up so late."

Kylie's eyes were wide as she pulled herself up beside me, "Fucking hell," She coughed, "Why didn't they wake us up?"

"No clue. C'mon, let's get cleaned up and pretend we didn't just wake up." Throwing my heavy duvet off our bodies, I jumped out of bed and opened the frilly white curtains, allowing the sunlight to enter the room.

"You could have blinded me." Kylie spats grumpily, shielding her dark eyes from the light. Stumbling out of bed, Kylie pulls one of my oversized shirts down over shorts.

"Since you used the shower last night, I'm stealing it this time." I called over my shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm going to get coffee. Want some?" She asked, opening my bedroom door. Jogging to my closet, I took out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. "Yeah, thanks, K."

Leaving the room, Kylie sent a wave over her shoulder, "I'm gonna go piss and wash my face first." She said before she left. Chuckling, I entered my bathroom, setting my clothes on the counter before starting the shower.

Replaying the events from yesterday, I brushed my teeth, ignoring the blush on my cheeks. Mostly, my mind came back to him, Jungkook. I wasn't going to lie, most boys in Charleston were not as good looking as him.

He was totally fuckable.

(I'm not saying that to be a perv, it's true! I mean, c'mon...LOOK at him.)

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