Chapter 1: A New Beginning, Pt 1

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NYC, Queens

At Midtown High, a young high school student named Peter Parker, most likely 15, was walking down the crowded hallways of the school. He stopped, as he turned to his locker, to place his bag inside. He then unzipped it, grabbing a binder. As he shut his locker door, he saw a small, brick-like action figure, similar to Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars, was held in front of his face.

???: "Join me! And together...we can build my LEGO Death Star."

The boy then turned to see his friend, Ned Leeds standing behind him.

Peter: (surprised) What? No way, man! That's awesome! How many pieces?

Ned: 3803.

Peter: That's insane!

Ned: I know! Wanna build it tonight?

Peter: Sure, if I'm not busy.

Peter closed his locker, as he and Ned begin to walk to class.

Ned: Speaking of which, what are you always busy doing?

That was a tough one. How do you tell one of your closest friends that you have had spider powers for the past six months and spent most of your time being a vigilante, fighting crime around the city, while wearing PJs.

Peter: (nervous) Uh...Y'know. The usual. Helping Aunt May around the house, doing extra math homework...

Ned: (skeptical) ...Okay?

Ned is skeptical, but decides to just leave it be...for now. While the duo are walking through the hall, Ned gets pushed and his back hits the locker, causing him to fall.

Peter: Ned!

???: Sorry, Fatty! That was meant to hit the Puny Parker.

Peter groaned in annoyance at the familiar voice. He turned to see the school jock and bully, Flash Thompson.

Peter: Flash, c'mon! Leave him out of this.

Flash: I would, but it's kinda hard with your human shield blocking me from punching you.

Peter: He's not anybody's human shield, dumbass! Stay the hell away from him!

Flash then glares at Peter, both shocked and angry. During freshman year, Peter was just a weak ass coward who would always back out in a fight. However, now he is becoming more brave enough to stand up against Flash. And it's really starting to piss him off. He grabs Peter by the collar and slams him, holding him up against the locker. The two boys glare at each other.

Flash: Seems like you've forgotten your place, Parker. I am Flash Thompson, famous school jock, best on the football team, and a ladies man. Meanwhile, you and fatty over here are the nerds of Midtown High, weak, losers. You're not even in the same league as me. I mean, who do you think you are? Spider-Man? Hah!

???: Guys, c'mon! Leave them alone.

All three of them turn to see Harry Osborn, the richest kid in Midtown High, and surprisingly, best friend to Peter and Ned. Flash scoffs at this.

Flash: C'mon, Osborn. Let me have my fun.

Harry: I think you've had enough fun. Now why don't you let him go before the principle catches you, alright?

Flash: (annoyed) Ugh! You're so lame sometimes.

Flash throws Peter onto the ground, next to Ned. As he walks away, he warns them.

Flash: This ain't over, Parker!

As Flash was out of earshot, Harry helps his friends up.

Harry: Sorry about that guys. You know how he is.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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