"Well, if you say so." Seokjin replies with a smile. "I'll let him know your terms and you can meet him tomorrow. Meantime, if you change your mind, please let me know."

Hoseok and I interchange a knowing look. I see it in my lover's eyes. We both think one and the same thing. Jimin is exactly who we need.

Weird, how I came there with little realization of what was I looking for in an omega.

Even more weird is the fact that I got all the answers after simply seeing Park Jimin.

Whatever it is, Hoseok and I are now one step closer to making our dream come true. Merge companies, get mated, and live happily ever after.

What can go wrong?


Jimin's POV

I wake up to amazing news. Jin hyung explains to me everything over the phone first thing in the morning and asks me to come to the agency as soon as possible.

Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok...

I know about them just as much as everyone else does. They are the wealthiest alphas in Korea, who on top of that are in a relationship.

I'm not one to judge obviously. So what if two alphas, way out of my league, by the way, fell for each other? That doesn't even concern me. I have too many problems to entertain myself with thoughts about famous bachelors who suddenly announced that they are courting each other with the intention to mate.

For example, I'm too busy working off my ass, trying to earn enough money to finish my bachelor's degree. I don't want to spend the rest of my life accompanying rich alphas or betas at fancy events, restaurants, or family gatherings.

I have different life goals and my temporary job at Omega Escort is a way to achieve all my dreams. I am really glad that I have this work and I'll forever be grateful to Seokjin, but every omega would want a different lifestyle for themselves.

I apply shiny chapstick on my naturally pink lips after dressing up in the silk white shirt and matching beige pants. One small rule I follow is to never overdress for the first meeting with clients. I don't need to impress or lead them on by outdoing myself. It all is just business so the less alpha gets attached to me, the better for both of us. Unfortunately, I've had a bitter experience when an alpha thought every time I dressed pretty was for him.

Ugh, asshole. I roll my eyes.

For over a year that I've worked there, I have never been attracted to any of my clients as to an alpha. I am good at what I do because I never mix work and personal life. I've seen many omegas leave Escort because they let their wolves get attached to the client.

There were some cases when pairs actually got mated after meeting each other at Escort, but those cases aren't that common. I know for certainty, nothing similar will ever happen to me. As narcissistic as it sounds, I like to believe that I am better than other omegas. I don't crave alpha, I control my omega perfectly well and we both believe that we could be just as happy alone.

"Morning, hyung!" I enter Seokjin's office with a wide smile.

"Hey, there is my favorite omega." Seokjin says softly, coming over to hug me. Our relationship is nothing like the usual boss-employee.

Jin is one of my closest friends and I dearly appreciate our friendship. I have often helped out Seokjin with his daughter Nabi whenever the older needed it. As a single parent who works at least ten hours a day, Jin often needs help even if he is hell-bent on not admitting it. I am more than happy to help him out.

Besides, I just love baby Nabi. She is the cutest toddler I've ever seen. I love babysitting her. She is an apple in her dada's eye. Jin loves her with his whole being. There is nothing he won't do for his baby girl.

"Hyung, don't say it at least in front of others." I joke, tightly hugging the male. It has been around a week since I had my last client. I was already getting bored and seeing my bank account stuck at one spot greatly annoyed me. I need numbers to move up.

"Shhh, it's going to be our secret." Jin winks at me, pulling my smaller body to sit on the cute purple couch that is situated in his office. He gives me his tablet.

I see an article about Jung Hoseok and Min Yoongi there. I can't help but zoom at the picture of two alphas lovingly looking at each other with small smiles. They seem genuinely happy.

"Never would have thought they need to hire an omega to pretend that they're normal. As if there is something wrong with an alpha loving another alpha." I say with a sigh, scrolling through the article.

"Yeah, it's really complicated. They want to prove to their families that they will have an heir at some point. You know how important it is for big clans like Jungs and Mins."

"This is just fucked up." I shake my head. "I kind of feel bad for them though. Imagine finding your soulmate and everyone is against you two being together. I'd just elope and live my best life with my mate."

"I don't think this might be an option for them." Seokjin notes very fairly. He crosses his arms over his chest and leans back. "They have too many responsibilities to just fly off. Even if they badly want to."

"Yeah, I know." I nod, understanding the older very well. "Alright, so what do I have to do?"

"You will discuss all the details later when they come but there is one thing that I need to get your full consent on." Seokjin's posture straightens and he suddenly looks much more serious. "This case is drastically different from any of those you've had. They want you to become part of their lives for the time being. They will need you around 24/7. They said one of the conditions is that you'll have to live with them."

Jin mentioned that earlier as well. At first, I was shocked because that was way more than I have ever done for any of my previous clients, but then when I thought about it, I realized that it also is a great opportunity to earn money and increase my deposit account.

"I mean as long as they will be paying me, I don't mind." I say timidly. I don't really like admitting my dependence on money, but in the modern world, it is the primary necessity which is quite hard to earn especially for omegas. "I trust your judgment hyung. I have no doubt you wouldn't have suggested this to me if you thought this was dangerous or something similar."

"You're right. You know your safety is always my priority number one. But still living with two stranger alphas might be tough. I don't want to pressure you into anything."

"You aren't, Jin." I take the older's both hands in mine and gently smile at him. I love Seokjin's overprotective nature the most. He is so caring with all of the omegas that work for him, that I would never doubt him. If Seokjin suggests me this work, then I have nothing to worry about. Otherwise, Jin would have refused those alphas the previous day and I would have never found out about this offer.

"Yeah, and about the payment. They're ready to pay twice your usual daily fee."

"What, really?" I perk up, smiling widely in disbelief.

"Of course. They'll pay for every day that you'll have to spend with them. That might last even longer than a month and they confirmed that they'll be paying you two times more for each day since you're basically accompanying two alphas, not one."

Hold. The. Fuck. Up.

I request 1.2 million won for a day. Now double that and multiply by 30+ days. What does it equal?

It equals to me finally quitting, finishing my university, and building a career!!!

My omega waggles his tail happy at perspective. We'll finally be free from the majority of loans and even be able to live life the way I've always wanted to!

No decision has ever been this easy to make. "When can I meet them, hyung?"


A/N: Btw, 1.2 million is between 900-1000 USD dollars, just for reference. Anyways, they meet next chapter, yay!

This plot is as old as time: rich CEOs fall for poor student. I love cliches😂

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