III- The Jet

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Nat and Bruce entered the Jet not too long after Celestia

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Nat and Bruce entered the Jet not too long after Celestia. She immediately handed him a jumper and headphones, him taking them straight away, and sitting down. Celestia and Nat looked at each other, smiling slightly. Steve entered next, closely followed by Tony who quickly started up the Jet.

Nat walked away, sitting next to Tony while Celestia sat in between a moaning Clint and Bruce. She looked at Bruce, smiling sadly, while he was listening to his opera music.

After a while, Nat left her seat, moving over to Clint. Thor moved over, inspecting the scepter. Celestia saw Nat moving towards them, so she stood up, squeezing Nat's hand lightly as she past her. She walked past Clint, punching his shoulder lightly, but then rubbing it in a comforting manner. He groaned making her roll her eyes as his dramatics.

She walked up to Tony, taking the seat Nat previously occupied. She smiled at Tony, who rubbed her on the arm as a greeting.

They sat in silence for a few seconds, before Nat's voice rang out. "Thor, report on the Hulk."

"The gates of Hel are filled with the screams of his victims." Celestia's eyes widened, and it seems as though she rolled her whole head and not just her eyes. Celestia turned around in her seat, to see Nat give him a look as Bruce groaned and shoved his head in his hands. Steve suddenly seemed to think the ceiling was extremely interesting.

"Dude?" Celestia whisper shouted at him.

"But not the screams of the dead, of course. No, no, wounded screams. Mainly whimpering, a great deal of complaining and tales of sprained deltoids and gout." He trailed off after a bit. Celestia held back a small laugh at everyone's expressions.

"Hey, Banner, Dr. Cho is on her way in Seoul. Is it okay if she sets up in your lab?" Tony asked from Celestia's left.

"Uh, yeah, she knows her way around." He responded.

"Thanks. Tell her to prep everything. Barton's gonna need the full treatment." Tony mumbled.

"Very good, sir." Jarvis responded.

"Jarvis, take the wheel." Tony said, moving back in his seat. "Yes, sir."

Celestia leaned against the wall near the scepter as Tony, Thor, and Steve spoke. She kept her eyes glued to either the scepter, Tony or Thor, but she felt Steve's eyes on her every once in a while.

"How about you Sarah? You up for a party?" Tony asked her. She rolled her eyes at the Witch themed nickname before responding.

"Yeah. I think we deserve it." He grinned at her.


Clint was rushed out of the Jet as soon as they landed, Nat following quickly after. Thor exited the Jet with the scepter, as Tony turned the Jet off.

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