XII- Truth

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Mentions of SuicideI'll mark the spots so anyone can skip if they need to

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Mentions of Suicide
I'll mark the spots so anyone can skip if they need to

"Hey, you alright?" Steve approached Celestia who was sitting against the wall on the floor. He lowerred himself beside her, keeping one leg bent and the other stretched out.

She looked to him, her eyes locking on his. He looked at her with his full attention, making her heart melt just a bit. She looked down to her bent legs, inhaling deeply.

He put a hand on her knee, covering hers. "You can tell me." He said softly and sincerely. She looked up to him once more before speaking.

"I just- What happens if this doesn't go the way we want it to? What if we get caught or they know we!re coming, or what? I can't leave Adi alone, I don't care that she's an adult, I can't." She stuttered over a few of her words, trying to calm herself down, pulling her hand out from under his and fiddling with both, but he kept his hand on her knee still.

He squeezed her knee in a comforting manner. "Don't worry about stuff like that. We fought aliens, HYDRA is nothing." She looked up to him, keeping her eyes on him this time. "Yeah, but what if, he's there." She spoke referring to the Winter Solider (or Bucky, whatever they were calling him now). Steve furrowed his brows.

"Why would it matter? Last time we saw Buc- the Winter Soldier, you were fine." Celestia looked back down to her knees. She couldn't blame Steve for not knowing, she hadn't told him the whole story.

"But, now he's hurt someone else I love Steve, I don't know if I can-" she cut herself off, holding back a tear that was begging to be let loose. Steve seemed even more confused now.

"But, I thought he just- well you know." He stuttered, not wanted to say 'killed you'. She chuckled humorously.

"Uhm, well, you know how I said he shot me then gutted me?" He nodded, visibly tensing. "That night, he didn't only kill me, he killed my, uhm, my parents. That's how I knew what to do on the run as well, I was running from the government, HYRDA and S.H.I.E.L.D, but I guess that's one in the same isn't it? I couldn't let Adi be put into the system. I needed her and she needed me. It was so, so hard." He stared at her, his eyes swirling with sadness.

"We slept I'm the streets, jumped around from couch to couch, but I didn't think I could do it. So, one night I left Adi with someone I trusted, and I walked to the street where I lived with my family, and I stepped out in front of a car. I obviously didn't die." She smiled bitterly. He subconsciously squeezed her knee tighter.
Tw end

"That was the night where my powers officially developed. After that, I could do almost everything I can do now." He squeezed her knee once more, comforting her. "Now that the Winter Solider has hurt Nat, and he killed my parents, I don't know what's going to happen when I see him next Steve. We could've lost Nat, and I don't know what will happen with my powers Steve. What if they go crazy, or I freeze up, I don't know if I can be there." She got bad, to her point.

He turned her towards him, as he also shifted, so they faced each other. He angled her face up towards his, "Don't think about stuff like that. We need you there Cia. If he's there, I'll try and deal with him, but you don't need to worry. I'll have your back. So will Sam, and Maria." She looked into his ocean blue eyes and nodded softly.

Her eyes scanned his face, whispering an 'okay' and a 'thank you'. He nodded slightly, his eyes also scanner her face. His eyes landed on her lips a few times as did hers. They started leaning closer-

"Hey, Celestia, your suit is in the next room. We need to get a move on." Maria interrupted, Steve and Celestia promptly moving away from each other. Maria looked at them weirdly before leaving. They sat in awkward silence for a couple second before Celestia stood up and said, "I gotta go. See you soon." Walking away quickly.

She walked to the other room putting on the suit, while Steve sat in the room they were just sitting in, his head on his hands which were resting on his knees. He inhaled deeply, before getting up to also get changed.


Maria, Sam, Celestia and Steve were walking through the woods near the Triskelion, Maria in front, Sam and Celestia walking side by side, and Steve walking behind them all.

"You ready?" Sam asked the lady to his left. She adjusted the suit on her wrist, before responding. "Hm, yeah." He scoffed.

"That sounded convincing." He spoke sarcastically. She rolled her eyes lightheartedly before speaking again, looking at him.

"It's just, I'll be fighting some of the people that gave me a home when I needed it. People I've known for years. It's just gonna be hard."

He hummed in response, "I guess it's good you still have Natasha, and Director Fury and Agent Hill huh? Oh, and Steve." He listed off, speaking quietly and suggestively for the last name.

She brushed it off, "And Clint. He's a good friend." He scoffed going to speak but she walked ahead. He stepped on the back of her foot playfully. She kicked some dirt back towards them before they walked up at hill and all stopped, looking up towards the Triskelion, before walking once more.

I feel like I haven't updated in years even though it's only been a couple days
Anyway, a shortish chapter today, the next chapter of two is going to be actual fighting stuff, and then a couple filler chapters after, then we're into Age Of Ultron, which I'm so excited for bc it's def one of my fav underrated and over hated MCU movies (also Wanda, Pietro, and Vis!)
After Age Of Ultron, we're onto phase 3 which I'll be doing another book forr

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