Tank Fish: American Blitz

Start from the beginning

- Monsterverse (maybe to be accepted)

- Drachinifel videos (Tillman, etc.)

- Operation Crossroads

- World of Warthunder


- Pokemon (maybe to be accepted)

- TF2 meet them all (maybe to be accepted)

- Max0r Genshin Impact review and An Incorrect Summary of Ace Combat (0 and 7)

- Battle of Midway by Montemayor (maybe), Battle of Coral Sea by Montemayor

- Kamen Rider (maybe)

- Resident Evil (maybe)

- The Italian Navy Massacre at the Battle of Cape Matapan (Dark Seas)

- The Sinking of Repulse and Prince of Wales by Historigraph (OC Gangsta blaming Repulse for the sinking of his waifu Wales intensifies)

- Arpeggio of Blue Steel

- BikMCTH (maybe to be accepted)

- Battle of Kure (Japanese Pearl Harbor) and/or Indian Ocean Raid 1942 (Britain Pearl Harbor)

- All Quiet on the Western Front (maybe)

- Channel Dash; Scharnhorst and Gneisenau Run the British Blockade

- Mr. Spherical Countryballs (maybe)

- Spartan761 Aircraft Carrier Stuff

New characters (you can request):

I plan to add USS Texas at the Battle of Jutland reaction, HMS Agincourt (Dreadnought) is a maybe

I will add RNS Peterloo at one point

Chapter starts:

Video starts

We see a dozen Sakura Empire cruisers grouped together

"Tank Fish! A big ass phaking Sakuranese fleet is coming on our ass again!" A Chaos Legion officer says

"Bruh... Calm your ass down.. WTF is going on?" Tank Fish asks

Scene cuts to a battle but changes back to the officer

"Our teammates are too retarded... we can't defend against this!" The officer replies

Clip shows of an Eagle Union cruiser getting wrecked

"Oh shiet! Do we have a plan?" Tank Fish asks again

"Why don't we just kamikaze them first? It's a pro gamer move" The officer suggests

The shipgirls facepalm

"That's a... bad idea.." Shinano says

"That's phaking dumb. They're gonna copyright strike us" Tank Fish states

The shipgirls are wondering what this 'copyright strike' is

"Hey, how about we send all our submarines in a suicide mission?" Tank Fish asks

The shipgirls are not surprised, Albacore is proud while Taihou wants to die

"They're hilarious yet they're bloody idiots" Victorious says

"What do you expect at this point? He's Tank Fish~" Prinz Eugen says

"Let's see how the submarine mission will go!" Albacore says ecstatic, Taihou sinks into her seat

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