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Dominick Pov

I was completely crying inside, but I kept strong. I gave Amanda a son, we both have a son, we created a little boy. I was in heaven.

Liv Pov

Amanda and Dominick have a boy, I was completely crying. She has a son with Dominick. I couldn't be more proud, a boy after two beautiful girls.

I smiled at Amanda and Dominick both was so excited, and so was I, while she and Dominick had their sweet beautiful moment. Just them, I smiled and kept quiet as those two just talked about their newborn.

Bruno Pov

Our mission was found. Expect this time it wasn't just them but, Amanda had a little bundle with her in her arms, just born.

Everyone was gathered around Amanda in the elevator. We knew, she just gave birth.

"Amanda just had her baby?" Phoebe asked as we all looked at each.

"We have to get them out of there." Elliot told as Tanisha and Mae get their screen ready and worked on the elevator. 

Amanda Pov

I was honored, how Liv helped with the birth. She was so protective. Dominick wiped my hair that was hanging from my face, and I smiled at him.

"Amanda, what is his name?" Liv asked and I chuckled we had two names and it was tough.

"Which one do you think?" I asked Dominick smiling, he looks at me, gently kissed my cheek as we both looked down at our boy, looking up at us. He had Dominick nose and smiled, he had my blue eyes peeking trough and soft light blond hair on his head.

"He looks a lot like his mom." Dominick told and I chuckled. "He has your nose and smile." I replied as she looked and laugh. "The resemblance is there." He chuckled and I followed, I saw Liv laughing as well, and smiled at her. The three of us sitting together.

"Liv, thank you for helping me. I can think this wasn't easy." I replied as she smiled at me.

"Anything for you Amanda. I'm right here for you. You did amazing and it was all you." She told me as Dominick nodded smiling at me.

"Liv is right. You did beautifully Amanda. I'm..." Dominick told and stopped, he had tears and Liv smiled gently she had a sad smile as well. We all were emotional, so was I and I smiled at my best friend and husband.

"I couldn't have done it without you two." I replied gently as tears fall down my eyes as they smiled at me. I saw Liv smiling at me, looking down at our boy.

"Liv want to hold Lando near me, since the cord?" I asked as she smiled at me nodding.

"Lando?" She asked and I and Dominick nodded, she smiled nodding. Liv moved to my side, I sit up and handed Lando to Liv, he was cooing, I smiled at that. Liv held him gently still with her blazer. I smiled at those two. Gently moved and sit better, as Dominick sit next to me, his arms was around me, I laid on his chest smiling bright.

Lando cord was still on, its not even 5 minutes since he is born. We didn't have anything to cut the cord. I smiled seeing Liv next to me holding our boy she was completely in joy. We both smiled at each. He started to drift, as she handed him back to my arms. Suddenly the elevator started to move.

Fin Pov

"Okay, I'm in but one of the cables snapped." She explained

"Is there an other way?" Velasco asked

"There is but, its risky." Mae told as Tanisha nodded.

"We can move them down but, since there is only 2 cables left, moving then can snapped both since one is already unstable." Tanisha explained.

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