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Dominick Pov

I had break after work and decided to visit Amanda. I was free and decided to buy her something for her at work to eat. I arrived at Fordham, and walked in the hallway, I stopped at her class and smiled seeing my wife giving class to her students, she was so good and so ready for questions being thrown at her, I smiled waiting for the bell to go off any second, so I can have a second with my wife.

I smiled at Amanda, she was so happy. She does miss SVU but, she loves this. The bell rang, as Amanda let the students go, each walked past me, as I waited for everyone to come out. I smiled at the last boy leaving the class and inside I went.

"Sounds interesting." I exclaimed as Amanda turned around and smiled at me.

"What are you doing here?" She asked me and I smiled at her.

"You have a free class remember, so I brought lunch." I told as she smiled at me.

"Looks amazingly." She told me as we get two chairs and sit down, and ate.

"How was work so far?" She asked me and I smiled at her.

"Wanting to be home with you and the girls." I told her as she smiled at me touching my hands.

"Almost." She told smiling at me, suddenly she closed her eyes.

"Amanda?" I asked worriedly.

"I just got this dizziness." She explained and I stood up and walked to her kneeling infront of her.

"Are you okay?" I asked her worriedly, she nodded.

"Probably nothing." she told me and I looked at her worriedly.

"Can we just go for an check up?" I asked her as she smiled at me.

"Everything is fine Dominick." She told touching my cheek. I looked at her.

"Amanda?" I asked

"I'm okay." She told me and I looked at her.

"Okay, but I'm right here if something is up." I told her, she smiled at me. "I know." She told me, as we finished eating, after a few minutes. I decided to leave and head back to the office.

While I was walking down, I was met with one of my old friends here at Fordham, we stood in the hallway amd just caught up, when I got an call from Amanda.

I was confused and looked at my phone and answered.

"Dominick, where are you?" She asked, her voice was panicking and scared.

"Amanda, what's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"Dominick, something is wrong." She explained and I was worried.

"What do you mean?" I asked and hurried to her class.

"Dominick, I can feel something is wrong." She told and I reached her door.

"Amanda?" I asked as she turn around she was pale.

"Dominick?" She asked and sit immediately I rushed to her.

"Amanda, let's go." I told and helped her out, luckily it was class so there wasn't students in the hallway. I reached the car and helped Amanda in, as I climbed in and rush to the hospital.

"Amanda?" I yelled worrying, seeing like she wants to faint.

I arrived at the hospital, and helped her out, as a few nurses came out and helped Amanda in with me.

"Dominick, don't leave me." She asked and I smiled at her. "I'm right here." I told her as they let me stay with Amanda, as they did test on her.


Amanda, they wanted her to sleep, so she can rest so she was given a sedition to help her sleep. I stayed by her to keep her safe. I knew she was scared and worried so was I, I kept strong for her. I stroked her hair and watched her sleep. I got a call and answered.

"Dominick, we need warrants." I heard Liv voice.

"Liv, I can't today." I explained back gently.

"Dominick? What's wrong?" Liv asked, I think she heard my voice, it was upsetting.

"Amanda, I'm with her. She is in the hospital." I told and it was silence.

"Liv?" I asked again.

"Dominick, is Amanda..."

"We don't know, they did test." I told gently looking at Amanda sleeping.

"Stay there." Liv told and I smiled.

"I am." I told as she laid off, I went back to Amanda and sit with her.


Not even a few minutes when I saw the door open. There stood Liv.

Liv Pov

When I heard Amanda was on the hospital, I could hear Dominick was upset. I knew they needed me. I told Fin I'm going to Amanda. He will take over.

When I arrived, I asked for Amanda and they let me to her room. There I saw Dominick, standing by her. She was asleep. I slowly entered when Dominick turned to me. I knew what I needed to do. I embraced him immediately, he let his head fall onto my shoulders. I watched Amanda over my shoulders, she was restless, you could see in her face. I felt Dominick break.

"Liv, I'm worried about Amanda." He slowly explained on my shoulder, I held him tide as a friend.

"I know you are." I told him gently.

"Amanda, she...she was dizzy then..." he trailed, I knew this was hard, no wonder Amanda was put to sleep, if he is like this, what was Amanda going through. I held him. "Everything will be okay Dominick." I told him, as he let go of me and looked at me. He was upset. I gently smiled at him.

We both sit on the bed with Amanda and just looked at her.

"Was Amanda complaining about anything?" I asked him and he looks at me.

"Nothing, just dizziness." he told me and I nodded, suddenly the monitor went off, and both me and Dominick was shocked, we looked at Amanda and raise up as the doctors and nurses came running in.

"What is happening?" Dominick yelled and I looked at Amanda, as they lifted her sheet, there was blood.

"Is that blood?" I yelled as Dominick rushed to Amanda.

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