"Actually our old Captain at the special Victims Unit, she still is." Dominick explained as my doctor smiled.

"Wait, your all were in the police force?" She asked as we nodded.

"She still is." Dominick told as we nodded. Our doctor laughed.

"I'm glad, Amanda you're ready for your 6 week scan?" She asked and I looked at Dominick.

"I am." I told as she nodded leading us to her examining room.

We each got a chair as she closed the door and sit down with us.

"How are you feeling?" She asked me, Dominick took my hand and held me.

"I'm feeling good." I replied smiling.

"Morning sickness?" She asked and I smiled.

"Here and there." I explained giggling as everyone giggled in the room.

"That's good, any other abnormalities or pain?" She asked and I smiled. "Not at all." I explained as she smiled.

"Well, let's get started." She told and stood up, I looked at Dominick, he smiled at me, Liv held my shoulder as we walked to her examination table. "Unfortunately, still early so we will continue with the tvs ultrasound. " my doctor told and I nodded. Dominick held me tide, I smiled at him.

Liv Pov

Amanda was asked to lay on the bed, I stood by her with Dominick, I could see she was stressful even today is tge day if Dominick is the father, she was wearing a long blue flower dress. Dominick stood by her side near the doctor with the monitors, while I stood by the other side of Amanda.

Amanda Pov

I was glad everyone I care for the most was here. I laid on the bed, as my doctor gave me a blanket. I was asked to put my legs into sirrups, Dominick held my hand and I looked up at him. He gave me a gentle smile.

"You ready?" my doctor asked and I looked at Dominick, he smiled at me. The moments of truth are here. I looked at Liv, she had a soft smile.

I nodded at my doctor, she nodded. "Deep breath." She asked and I did. I hate this uncomfortable ultrasound. I closed my eyes and felt Dominick held my hand tide, following with Liv, I gave a gentle smile, as I heard a small clapping noise. I opened my eyes.

"Here it is." my doctor told and smiled showing at the monitor. It was still small.

Dominick squeezed my hand and I smiled at him bright. "Here the baby is laying inside the uterus, which means its healthy it's not ectopic." She told us and I nodded.

"You mide feel uncomfortable." She told and I nodded. She moved the probe and I flinched a gentle at that uncomfortable feeling. Both Dominick and Liv held my hands tide. I smiled at them.

"Baby looks healthy. Your 6 weeks right?" She asked and I nodded with Dominick.

"Baby shows 6 weeks and two days to be exact." She told and both I and Dominick turn to each.

"Wait, so if she was 13 days bavk then she was actually 15 days?" Dominick asked as my doctor nodded.

"That is correct." My doctor explained, I felt my eyes water and turned to Dominick, he had a huge smile on his face.

"Dominick, its yours." I cried as he wiped my eyes gently smiling nodding "I know from the start." he joked and I smiled at him. I saw Liv turning away with her head wiping her eyes. I smiled at her.

"Liv?" we both asked as she turn to us and giggled. "Congratulations you two." Liv explains and we smiled at her.

"So baby is healthy and strong, 6 weeks and two days. Ready for the heartbeat?" She asked and we all three nodded.

Out of nowhere, a soft clapping noise appears and I cried.

"There is the heartbeat." My doctor explains and I nodded, as I saw Dominick smiling at me, he gently kissed my forhead and I smiled bright. I felt Liv squeezed my hand, I turned to her and saw tears in her eyes, I chuckled at her, she followed with Dominick.

The doctor released the probe, and I could sit up, she handed me a few photos and I smiled.

"Thank you." I told as she smiled, I handed a photo to Liv.

"Amanda, I can't." She explained and I smiled. "You can." I smiled as Dominick embraced me tide, I held him tide. I saw Liv walking to the side on her phone. I smiled looking at Dominick.

"It's your child." I told as he laughed. "Always was." He told me, I took his hand gently and placed it onto my womb, he smiled.

My doctor entred the room again and smiled. "So I have quest." She told and I was confused, she let people in and there was everyone. I turned to Liv.

"They all wanted to come." She told and I laugh. Before I knew, everyone was hugging me and Dominick, I chuckled, I laughed at that. I never had so many hugs at once.

Elliot, Fin, Phoebe, Velasco, Munchy, Bruno, Cherlish, Mae, Tanisha and Liv.

I saw Dominick, he was so happy as well, finally he has a child with me. I can't be more proud. I saw him smiling at me, I smiled back.

"Congratulations Professor." both Tanisha and Mae explained and I smiled at them. I gave them both a tide hug.

I looked at Liv, she smiled at me. "Amanda now, you have to take good care of yourself and the little one." She told as everyone nodded, I agreed back. "I will." I told smiling at Dominick who smiled at me.


As the time went on, the baby was growing beautifully, so was I. I love seeing everyone faces when I grew more, seeing the girls talk to my womb, seeing them play with the baby. Seeing our baby kick, move and play within me, feeling the baby move, seeing Dominick kiss my stomach or him talking to the baby or listening how he moves. Seeing Liv holding my womb or talking to the baby was also pure joy. I love this precious moments, even the onces I talk to our baby and feel the movements in me. Seeing the girls light up, when they can feel the baby kick. It was pure joy. Seeing myself grow, from nothing to small to medium and big. I was so honored to carry Dominick child, our little baby. Seeing Dominick light up at each ultrasound, he never misses the girls joined in an ultrasound as well their joy was priceless. Our baby grew beautifully and strong, the gender was a surprise for the arrival.

Finally 7 months along growing stronger and healthy. My love for Dominick just grew stronger with this little one. So was everyone around me, especially Liv.


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