"Yeah yeah I am!" She laughed but I didn't find it funny.

"I ... I have to go... I..." I started but was cut off by him.

"No way you told me to meet and now you are leaving so soon. Let's have dinner somewhere" he said but I instantly shake my head.

"No uhmm I, Mary is alone at the house and she would be waiting for me at the dinner," I told them.

"Bye," I said and didn't wait for him to reply as I turn on my heels and start walking away.

"Princess..." He called from behind, I stopped but didn't turn around.

"At least tell me your name..." He said, I closed my eyes as the first tear fell down my cheek. I wiped it instantly and muttered barely audible.

"It doesn't matter anymore," I said and walked away when I was sure I am at a good distance away from them and then can't see me I ran. I ran and ran until I reached a lake. This part of the park was secluded, and most of the people have already gone back to their homes. And few who are left are leaving.

I kneeled on the ground as I looked ahead at the water. The tears that I was trying too hard to stop started falling after one another. I covered my face with both of my hands, I don't want anyone to see me but too lucky for me that no one is around I don't care if there is anyone!

My heart has broken again, but this time the pain is different much more real and unbearable. I have loved him since the first day I heard his voice. Two years are not a short duration at least not for me. He was the one person who I thought I would end up with. A person who I thought would love me as I love him but...!

I sat there on the grass for a good few hours by now my tears have stopped falling. The night has come, and the only light is coming from the lamp posts around the area. My phone rang plenty of times and then stopped. I don't want to go home... I don't want to face the reality. I want to wake up from this nightmare...

And to my utter luck it start raining, at first it was a drop that fell on my cheek then another on my forehead and then it goes on and on until it was fully drenched but I didn't move to stand. I can't or I don't want to, I am not sure.

"..the f**k" I heard cursing from behind me but I didn't turn around. I was looking down at the grass.

"What the f**k do you think you are doing here? Are you mad?" An angry voice came from my right side, but I still didn't look up.

"I am talking to you," he said and then he grabbed my arm and pushed me up. And finally, I looked at his face, he was drenched too. His face held annoyance, anger and pity...

"Hunter" I whispered. Something in his eyes changed as he heard his name. This is the first time I have called him by his name.

"He broke my heart" I croaked out as a new set of tears fell down my cheek.

"He said that... I am his friend" I don't know why I am telling him but I want someone to listen to me right now.

"He... he has a girlfriend" I spoke again, he was looking at me but I was in my world. He removed his jacket the same leather jacket he always wore. He put the jacket on my shoulders, a small useless effort to save me from the cold.

"He... doesn't love me... he never did!" This time I cried loudly and put my head on his chest. The rain has stopped by now but the water in my eyes hasn't.

"You are right I am crazy..." I said while crying.

"That's why he doesn't love me, I pushed myself off of him and looked up into his eyes. My glasses are nowhere to be found, I think I removed them while I was crying at some point.

"Am I not pretty enough?" I asked him in a small voice too scared by the answer.

"Am I not beautiful like Rose?" I asked again when he didn't answer me.

"Kitten... you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen" he husked as he placed his one hand on my cheek. He wiped my tear away with his thumb.

"He doesn't deserve you, no one does!" He added.

"You are too perfect for him!" He told me, I was looking into his eyes as he into mine. For the first time, I saw some emotion other than anger and annoyance in his eyes for me.

I wish he was my Mr handsome but he is not!

I stepped away from him, I look around for my glasses. They were wet and dirty, he picked them up and cleaned them with the corner of his shirt then he helped me wear them. He pushed away the wet hairs that were stuck to my forehead. I turn around and walk away from him. I could hear him following me. I didn't turn around. I wanted to walk so I start walking on the road. I couldn't hear his footsteps behind me. Why would he come after me?

I walked a little more but stopped when he parked his bike in my way and looked back at me.

"Sit," he said, it was a command but I wasn't in the mood to take up his attitude so I shake my head and walked ahead from the other side. He again parked the bike in front of me

"I will not repeat!" He said sternly, I looked into his eyes. They held a warning and I felt tired to argue so I nodded and hopped behind him. I put my head on his back as he start the engine and then rode away.

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