It was 5:45 by now. I packed up my bag and headed out. Instill had plenty of time. We were supposed to reach the bustop at 7:50.I didn't know how to cook so usually Belarus or India would share their food with me. Belarus had the same habit as me, to get up early. 

 I went over too Belarus's house. I rang her door bell. "Coming!!" A familiar voice spoke from inside. A few seconds later a shorter country with dark red top and green skirt with white embroidery opened the gate. She was wearing sneakers with long socks. She wore a single braid and two hairclips on her head. 

"Hi!" Belarus chimed. "Hi." I replied. "Ready for school?" She asked me. " Yes, I am." I replied. Belarus was my sister, she was technically older that me but I was taller by a few centimetres. (I know guys, but it's the fact. Ukraine was founded first followed by Belarus, Kazakhstan and then Russia, which makes him younger.)

I've been to Belarus's house many times before. The walls were Dark green. The curtains were red with white lines. The furniture was themed in Green, red and white too. The house looked cozy. The insides was decorated with garlands of flowers. There were many pieces of beautiful Belarusian art and pottery. It wasn't really huge but it was welcoming.

" Do you have breakfast?" I asked her, slightly blushing from embarrassment. I hated being dependent on someone for food. "Yes, I've made food. Come on in!" My sister exclaimed. "Hey, Is kaz coming over?" I asked. Kaz is a nickname for Kazakhstan. He, just like me, also does not know how to cook. "Yes, he texted me. He'll be coming soon." Belarus chimed.

Belarus, whom I call Bela, was preparing the cutlery for Breakfast. She motioned me to sit down at the dining table. I obitiently nodded and sat down. A few minutes later, Bela emerged from the kitchen door with a handful of plates and bowls. She placed them on the table. Soon, the doorbell rang. "Must be Kazakh!" I exclaimed and ran to open the door for my brother as Bela was busy.

My face Immidietly lit up when I saw the person on the other side of the door. He wore a track-pant and light blue T-shirt with a long waist jacket. " Hi Kazakhstan!" I exclaimed hugging my brother. We havn't met each other properly since a week from now, and were really looking forward to it.

"Come on! Breakfast is ready!!" Belarus chimed from the dining room. "Coming!" Kazakhstan exclaimed in reply. I just nodded. "I've made draniki and blini! (These are belarusian dishes)" Belarus chimed. I noticed Kazakhstan's eyes lite up. 

"BLINI?! I love those!" He exclaimed."Me too! Just like how dad used to make!" I chimed. My face Immidietly frowned up when I notice the expression on others face. "Sorry, p-p-probably shouldn't have bought it up." I added, looking down. I was beggining to tear up but I held them back. Dad died a year ago, which is also why we shifted to country street. Belarus sighed. "Old times gone now. Eat now." She instructed, trying to change up the topic.

We ate our food and chatted for a good while. " черт возьми, уже 8!! (Holy shit it's 8 already!!)" Kazakhstan exclaimed. We Immidietly sprang up and took all our supplies. "пойдем! (Let's go!)" Belarus exclaimed.  We all ran out of the house, waiting for Belarus who was locking the door. "Hurry Bela!" I exclaimed, getting impatient. My feet were subconsciously moving due to impatientness. "Yes yes, я здесь. (I'm here.)" Belarus said, securing her house keys. 

We ran towards the bus-stop. Almost everyone was already there, patiently waiting for the bus. Some of us decided to cycle their way to school. new I'd have to socialize with them so I stifenned myself up. I dropped my smile. My eyes now displaying a cold expression. My face turned pale and I looked down.

 I spotted my sister, Ukraine, who came prior to me, talking to Canada. I found this suspicious. I spotted Syria and Cuba a bit further. I just waved them a 'hi', my cold expression unchanging. They waved their hands and shared me a smile. Usually, I liked staying alone, but I just felt a need to talk to someone. It felt really great to talk to my siblings again. 

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